The Dream

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It was a hot and stormy November night. As Hurricane Teddy ragged thought the state of Florida, a boy the age of 13 sat by the swing set. His hair was a dark brown and his eyes were a soft green. As the hurricane was ragging, he noticed that the sound of the rain was pitter-pattering on something above him. He brought his green eyes to a pair of blue/green eyes of a young lady. 

"This is either dumb or just straight-up crazy," she said sarcastically.

A silver car was heading back out into the countryside. A young girl; the age of 13 was looking out the window listening to music on her phone. As her mom turned the car down the street where the park is on the left, she noticed that the park was empty. As the car pulled up to a red light she saw a boy sitting in the rain. Setting her phone on the seat beside her, she grabbed an umbrella and got out of the car. Her mother watched her from the car. 

As she inched closer to the stranger she thought, Is he new around here or... Wait! He goes to my school. He is in my fifth-hour lab partner. what is he doing out in the storm like this?

She stood behind him holding the umbrella over his head and hers He looked up at her with water dripping from his hair.

"This is either dumb or straight-up crazy," she said sarcastically.

He slightly shivered from the rain and wind blowing at once. 

"W-who are you?" he asked a little frightened and shy. 

"How about we get in my mom's car. Cause one: its raining and two: it's warmer in the car," she said ever so softly. 

He looked at the silver car still waiting for her at the light. She held out her hand to him, he hesitantly took her hand. She leads him to the car. They climbed into the car. He scooted over to the door and looked at her slightly scared. 

"W-who are you?" he asked again a little more aggressively. 

"Chill! We are not going to hurt you. I'm Alice Grace Parker! I'm in your 5th hour. I'm your lab partner. I was heading home from the hospital with my mom and then I saw you out in the rain. What were you doing out in the rain during the hurricane?" 

"I was getting away from my..." he trailed off and looks out the window. 

She looked him over and noticed his wrists. She looked up at him and her emotion changed. He keeps watching the rain coming down. She put her earbuds back in and started to listen to her music again. 

Twenty mins. later, they turned into a nice neighborhood. She took her earbuds out and looks at him and smiled softly.

"So? Do you have a name or should I call you 'No-name'?" she said teasing him a little.

He turned his gaze back to her and saw her smile. He slightly smiled.

"It's Dakota... you can call me 'Kota" if you want you. I'm not picky," he said. 

She scooted closer to him. He slightly scooted closer by kept his distance from her. 

she thinks He is really sweet and cute. I never noticed this before. I wonder why he is cutting himself. should I ask him?

Her mom started to pull up to a two-story house with a three-door garage. He looked at the house and tilted his head. 

"You live here?" he asked slightly shocked.

"Well, yeah! My mom is a nurse at the hospital and my dad serves in the Army. We don't see him much nowadays. what about your parents?" She looked at him as his expression changed.

"M-my dad...he drinks and does drugs, and my mom works part-time at a gas station." he pulled at his sleeves and looked out the window.

She put her hand on his shoulder, he turned his head to her. He saw that in her eyes she was sorry that he grew up that way. their faces were inches apart. As the garage door closed her mom tuned to them.

"Alice? Honey?" her mom said.

"Yes, mom?" Alice said as she turned her head to her mom.

"Why don't you take him to the guest room? He can freshen up there and ask your brother for extra clothes for him."

"Yes ma'am!" she replied very respectfully.

 They got out of the car and walked into the door. Alice and Dakota walked up the stairs and down to the hall to the room on the left. She walked in as Kota stopped at the doorway. She looked back at him. He looked at her.

"what's wrong?" she asked him in a soft voice.

"I-I can't stay! My mom will start to worry and I don't have dry clothes, and my..." he was rudely interrupted by a boy with light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Watch were you are going, Loser!" the boy said angrily.

"SKYLER! LEAVE HIM ALONE! He is a guest!" Alice said to her twin brother.

Her brother; Skyler, walked into his room and slammed the door shut. She shook her head in disappointment.

"I'm sorry about him. I swear he was dropped on his head when he was a baby." she slightly laughed and then looked at Kota who was rubbing his arm being shy.

"Hey... Don't listen to Sky. He is a jerk to everyone. Come on, let's get you dried off," she looked at him and spoke softly. Dakota walked into the bathroom and Alice followed behind him. He sat on the toilet seat, while she got a towel and the first aid kit.

"What's the kit for?" he asked.

"I noticed that you cut yourself. So I thought I would wrap them so they don't get infected and so people don't say anything about them," she said as she threw the towel on his head.

She rubbed the towel on his hair drying it. He sat still letting her dry his hair. She removes the towel and his hair is standing up. She softly giggled.

"Wait here. I'm going to get a brush and some dry clothes from Sky's room," she said as she started to walk away. 

He grabbed her arm and stopped her. She looked back at him and he looked up at her in tears.

"Don't go, please! I don't want to be alone anymore," he said with a voice crack.

"I'm just going to get a brush and some dry clothes. I'll be back. I promise I'm not leaving for good." she said.

He looked down and the tears kept falling. Alice has a big heart and it goes out to everyone she meets. She walked back to him and hugged him. His eyes got wide and hide his face in her neck and hugged her back.

"I promise! You won't be alone anymore. I'll always be there when you need me." her voice echoed in his mind.

"ALICE WAIT!" He screamed as he sat up in bed. 

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