the last crew

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the Captain's POV

A white flash covered my vision, before fading to blue, quickly after that the blue faded as well to reveal I was in a room. Woah

Looking around, I realized it was someone's bedroom. Animal heads, cloaks, rifles, and other trophies hung from the walls. The same deep feminine voice of the baroness spoke to me while i regained my senses.

"Your ghost, where did you get it?" My head turned straight forwards as my other senses came back to me. Currently, I was laying on my back, staring the baroness in the eyes, while she had one of her feet on my chest and a worried Phox in her claws.

"Guardian, I'm sorry that I revived you in such a bad spot. She threatened to... desecrate... your body." Phox tried to rotate her shell, while hey eye was staring at the floor, but the claws holding her just tightened, earning a small yelp in either pain or surprise.

My focus was on the much larger eliksni holding me on the ground. "If you hurt my ghost, I'll show you the strength of an angry captain." There was silence in the room, before the baroness gave out a giggle, almost gleefully, before throwing Phox aside. The baroness continued to giggle as she staggered backward, and fell into her nest of furs, and more cloaks.

"You'll do WHAT?" She asked through more giggles, while Phox looked on in mixed astonishment and horror, from the mouth of some animal head on the wall. "Try to kill me? Is that what you'll do, little wolf? I'm three times your size, you couldn't break a dreg in half. So I have little faith that you could do much to me."

Phox disappeared into my skull, while I sized up the baroness, who was slowly regaining her mysteriousness and quiet. "Guardian we need to get out of here, now!" Phox's voice rung in my ears, while I silently tried to figure out a way to escape.

The baroness was standing again, her frame towering over my own, her heavy breaths echoing into the rest of the room, her head tilted to the side as if intrigued by my mere presence. "You are of no use to me, there isn't any hope of finding more ghosts to make me immortal." The baroness took a few steps towards me, I shrunk backward instinctively as her face drew close to mine. "While you would make a good trophy, I think you would make a far more valuable informant."

"Guardian?" Phox sounded much more worried than before.

The baroness didn't hear Phox, and as her eyes burned into mine, she proposed a deal. "You require ether, we both do, every single fallen on this ship does. The ghouls behind the wall cant give you ether, and none of the other fallen in the area will." The baroness took a moment to growl while looking away muttering to herself. "Lowly house of dusk whelps, they bring dishonor to our species."

Distant gunshots echoed through the ship, something that seemed to lightly distress the baroness.

"If you give me information on the house of dusk hideouts, I will give you ether. Is this deal acceptable, wolf?" The baroness reached one of her arms out in a handshake like gesture.

"Guardian, that's not quite... it's not... I don't think you should do this." Phox whispered, still inside my head. She's right though, I need ether, I can't survive without it. I stared at the baroness's hand for a few more moments. As long as I'm not endangering anyone, it's okay... right? Without a second thought, I shook the baroness's arm with a small nod.

"I'm glad we could come to an agreement, my name is Mirileen. Baroness to the last crew, the last true house." Mirileen leaned closer to me again, our faces inches apart, her eyes a soft blue glow in the dark room. "You are?"

I took a few moments to think, to remember what Phox had told me about myself. "Captain, call me Captain, from the house of wolves."

(i hope you guys liked this part, next part should be longer, and should explain how he meets hyx, and wire.)

the captain and his crew (a destiny fanfic.) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now