the knife juggler, and the Exo with a gun

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Hyx's POV

"Look, alls I'm saying is that it would be cool if you could do it."

Wire looked at me like I was mad. "Hyx I am not going to have Blue try and upload my mind into a fallen walker." Wire's ghost, Blue appeared next to his guardian with a very deadpan expression.

"Miss Hyx, the chances of an operation like that working are extremely low. Not to mention the fact that the walker would have to be activated and calm for said operation." I just chuckled a little before looking over at my own ghost, who seemed very uninterested in the conversation.

"What do you think Fixer, should we try it." Fixer didn't respond to me, the back of his shell kept rotating like he was focusing really hard on something. "Fixer, what are ya looking at."

Off in the distance, I saw what he was looking at. A fallen captain was wandering through a bunch of decrepit aircraft, What really caught my eye was that there seemed to be something floating along with him. "I do believe that captain is wearing a house of wolves cloak." Fixer said with interest.

I quickly pulled out a set of binoculars as wire hopped off the car he was sitting on, and pulled out his own set of binoculars. Before I could get a good look at the captain, I saw a vandal tackle him onto the ground. the vandal wasnt wearing house of wolves colors, instead it was wearing a cloak i hadnt seen before, with golden markings, and a dark jade green background. Is that a house of exile's vandal.

Growling from the two fallen filled the air, as the captain threw the vandal off of himself. The two exchanged some more growling, before I noticed a large group of dregs and vandals staring at the captain from some aircraft.

The captain took a few steps back, and that's when I saw it. A ghost. wha-whats a ghost doing all the way down there. What was really confusing was when the ghost floated up next to the captain, and then the captain slowly pushed the ghost into his cloak before getting into a fighting stance.

"Did anyone else see that ghost down there." I asked kinda timidly, looking towards wire, and the two ghosts.

"I saw it too." Blue answered.

I looked back through my binoculars as the dregs and vandals started stepping closer and closer towards the captain. "Should we try and save it."

A loud howling sound echoed from the aircraft graveyard, and I turned back to the captain, to see him being dragged away by another, much larger captain.

Wire shrugged, before putting his binocular's away. "I'll take that as a no."

I watched the house of wolves captain get dragged away by the other captain, and all I could think was. What about that ghost?

(chapter was pretty short, i know, but i really just wanted to introduce some characters. i hope ya'll liked this part, the next part will be out sometime in the future.)

the captain and his crew (a destiny fanfic.) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now