"James Culhane has nothing to do with me. I'm helping Culhane's family because of everything he's done for this family especially you and your sister." Dad said. I looked at Cristal.

"How is Austin doing?" Cristal asked. I walked out to see Fallon and Mom talking.

"Culhane's father is on his deathbed Fallon." Mom said.

"Where the hell did you find that out?" I asked causing them both to face me.

"You told me darling." Mom said.

"No I didn't. You've been snooping." I said. Fallon looked at me. "Fallon, I'm sorry it just wasn't my place to say anything."

"No Gabbie you had every right to protect your relationship." Fallon said.

"Look I'd better get going to that meeting but I'll see you later." I said.

Sam, Fallon's lawyers and I walked into Morell Corp

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Sam, Fallon's lawyers and I walked into Morell Corp. The office was trashed and Jeff was laying down on the couch.

"What the hell do you want?" Jeff asked.

"We're here for the board meeting. We're Fallon's proxy." Sam said.

"She sent her errand boys and little sister?" Jeff asked.

Chief operating officer,Senior executive assistant and I think you've met her lawyer, Mr. Hirshey and his associates." I said.

"Mr. Colby, is there a board meeting tonight?" Mr Hershey asked.

"I canceled it. Must've forgot to call the bitch." Jeff spat.

"Ms. Carrington has a proposal for you, board meeting or not. She's offering to sell you back her portion of Colby Co." Sam said. I handed Jeff the papers.

"The portion she stole? That's nice. I have a counteroffer. One dollar." Jeff said throwing Fallon's offer across the room.

"So, that's a hard no?" I said.

"Fallon Carrington didn't just steal 25% of my company. She stole my family, my pride. I'm not letting her play me ever again. My offer stands at one dollar." Jeff said.

"That's what you want me to tell Fallon?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's what I want you to tell Fallon. And if she wants to discuss it further, she can meet me tomorrow night for drinks." Jeff said.

"Yeah, I don't think drinks are a good idea." Sam said standing up.

"Why not? I'll be thirsty." Jeff said. Sam and I walked out. Sam to his car and me to mine. I headed to the hospital and saw Mom and Culhane talking.

"Austin is upstairs." Culhane told me. I walked to James Culhane's room and was met by Fallon and Mrs Culhane. Mrs Culhane walked into the room and Fallon looked down the corridor at me. I saw how hurt she was. Fallon walked towards me.

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