"He's the number two hero; there were no better offers."

"He's a bitc—"

"Charlie. I'll be alright. If I want to become stronger this is where I should start. By facing my fears and truly disconnecting myself from my father."

She eyed her friend nervously before turning away. "Alright... but text me updates occasionally, ok?" Charlie dropped the conversation but she could feel the fear clawing at his throat. She desperately wanted to take a hold of the vibrating string in his head and still his worries but she refrained.

"How are your legs? Are they healing alright?"

"Yeah, they're alright. Going for runs have been kind of painful and I can't go with Nemuri around since she'll stop me––"

"Sorry, I hadn't even thought of that when I stayed over. Did your wounds reopen when we went for that run together?"

Charlie hesitated before answering. "...yeah, but I hadn't even noticed until I got back and you were in the shower. Didn't realize they were deep enough for that. I took two days off from working out after that but they've closed up now so they aren't bothering me anymore."

He winced, "Thats good news, I guess."

The pair sat in their usual silence for the remainder of their time alone until some of their classmates showed up. Charlie was engaged in a conversation with Sero that she tried to include Shoto in. However, her rather introverted friend ducked out of it and chose to watch the trains come and go instead. Aizawa showed up right on time at 8 o'clock sharp and waited around for the last few students to arrive. "I have your hero costumes in my car. Come with me to get them." They returned with their hero costumes in cases that they each clutched tightly. "Wearing them in public is prohibited without the supervision of a pro hero, but make sure you don't lose them."

Charlie wondered if she would get in trouble for wearing her ring. Technically it was part of her costume but would anyone really notice?

"When's your train ride?"

Charlie startled for the second time that day at the sound of Ojiro's voice. "It boards at 10 so I have a lot of time to kill. I brought a book though, so it's alright. When's yours?"

"Mine's at 9. Want to grab a coffee? Theres a cafe right outside of the station and I need a booster this morning."

Charlie tugged on her sleeves nervously, an awkward and blushy smile falling onto her face. "Sure."

"Mind if I tag along?"

Charlie gave him a strange look––it wasn't like Todoroki to insert himself into a conversation––before her face broke into a smile that seemed to catch him off guard. "If Ojiro doesnt mind, sure!"

"Of course I dont mind." Ojiro gave his classmate a friendly slap on the back, slinging his travel backpack over his shoulder. "Where's your bag, by the way?"

"I will be interning with my father so there was no need to pack anything."

"You're Endeavours son, right? That's going to be awesome!"

"When does your train leave, Shoto?" Charlie waved off the hand Todoroki offered to carry her duffle bag for her.

"My father will be picking me up in front of the station at 9. I only came here to pick up my costume."

The coffee shop was small and cute, with potted plants hanging from the roof and lining the counters. It was fairly busy so the trio just chatted while waiting in line. Charlie ordered a latte while Ojiro ordered an iced americano and Todoroki got a tea. They found a spot by the windows to sit.

"Who are you doing your internship with, Ojiro?" Charlie asked, stirring a packet of brown sugar into her coffee.

"Mr Aizawa assigned me to a hero named Lock Down. I looked him up on the hero registry and our quirks aren't that similar. His is a super straightforward immobilization quirk, but I guess I'm not going to learn more about my quirk, I'm going to learn about what the life of a pro hero is like so it doesn't really mater. He seems like a pretty experienced and capable guy so I'm looking forward to it." He took a sip of his drink. "You're still interning with Edgeshot, right? You seemed kind of unsure yesterday."

"Yeah, I read over his hero profile again and sent in my final choice to Mr Aizawa last night."

They spent the next while there, Charlie and Ojiro filling most of the air while Todoroki simply observed the interaction over the steam of his black tea. His phone buzzed and he flipped it over the check the notification. "My father is here." His voice was monotonous but the string in his head had begun to shake again.

All already finished with their drinks, they picked up their bags and left. Ojiro and Charlie walked Todoroki to the front of the station, pausing before entering. Charlie grabbed Todoroki's fingers and gave them a gentle squeeze. "Be careful, ok?"

Todoroki observed her through multicoloured eyes and gave her a nod, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips. Charlie would feel the string in his head still for a moment and she was glad she could provide him a little comfort. "You too."

He turned and walked away, disappearing into the backseat of an expensive looking black car.

"What's up with you and Todoroki?" Ojiro nudged at Charlie curiously as they entered the station.

"Hm? Nothing. What do you mean?"

"I dunno, I feel like you two suddenly got really close. First name basis and everything and Todoroki is a pretty quiet person."

Charlie paused for a moment, considering the question before answering. "I guess we just have a lot in common," she shrugged.

She dropped Ojiro off at his train, waving goodbye as he got in and took a seat. She went back to where her classmates had met earlier, finding that most of them had already left. She chatted with the remaining few for a couple minutes before pulling out her book and beginning the read. The hour passed rather quickly and Charlie boarded her train, quickly claiming an empty window seat.

She opened the case with her costume in it as the train lurched forward and pulled out the ring. She thumbed it for a few minutes, staring at it intently before putting it away and picking up her book once more.

I'm really excited for the next few chapters but I also don't know how to go about writing them...

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