Start from the beginning

He felt the leeches. He felt them prying away at his senses, ripping off any ideals or wants or needs, for that matter. It made him a shell of who he could've been - who he wished he could be - and left a wound that got infected and all gross. It left a whole in the place he once thought a heart should've been. It was ugly. It was foul - it was grotesque how badly he had been ripped apart. 

So, what better to do than to hide it?

If he, the broken soul, had the power to hide away his shattered pieces, what could stop him from doing so?


Nothing could stop him from pretending like he was still working. 

Fooling his mind to believe that he was okay was a common practice by now; not a day went by where he wouldn't trick himself into thinking he wanted to get up in the morning. He used his pieces of paper and bits of mineral to put himself back together and create a new and improved version of himself, showing only what he wanted to. He exposed the minerals - he exposed the paper - and thus created an identity. His new identity was the millionaire; the man who had no problems, because he could simply afford to have it all float away. His new exterior was a carbon case of money, and it was his only way to hide his shattered interior.

Never before had he seen someone with a case like his. Not with money, but with something else - perhaps a glaze of fakeness and a dazzle of naivety. Never before had he seen someone so broken to have to put up walls like his. His walls were fortified - only he knew how to build them up and break them down.

But the knowledge that someone else knew how to build one up..

..made him fear if they could break his down. 


The shine of the moon wasn't the only thing illuminating Daisuke's features that night.

Sliding into a car seat, the blinking lights of the top compartment shone down on him as he fastened his seatbelt. Warm and yellow casted rigid lines on his jawline and his slightly dull expression, highlighting the tiniest bit of eyeshadow under the rims and edges of his eyelids. It was a small feature he'd managed to hide from those in daylight; but in this car with someone beside him, it was impossible to hide anything.

There, in the back carseat next to him, was you; his detective partner with a worried look on your face. The events that lead to you getting into his own private chauffeur was nothing but unnecessary; a quiet conversation with underlying intentions. He had asked you some questions concerning the Isezaki - now Gonduwara-Gumi - case, and you'd come to the conclusion that any evidence and ideas were back at the station. However, Daisuke had noted that he had some important information he wanted to share with you.

The thing is, it was at his house.

So, here you were, sitting in a car richer than you could ever afford next to a man who made more money than you could in an entire year.

Daisuke Kambe had invited you to his house, and you said yes.

"Is your seatbelt on?" 


"Alright." Daisuke gestured to his butler sitting in the front seat, "Go." The car rumbled as the two of you sat idly on either side of the backseats, moving forward a moment or so later. It excreted a sense of refinery and fanciness that almost seemed toxic. It reminded you of the restaurant; as you walked inside, seeing the sheer richness emanating from the lights to the people. You felt as if you breathed too hard or inhaled too much, you'd pass out. 

LOVE: UNLIMITED - D.K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now