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I can't die like this.

You could've been productive. You could've gone to college, adopted a pet, opened up a coffee shop and quit this god awful job. You could've done it all if you knew you'd never be able to second-guess yourself again.

You knew that all you had time to do was think over the events that had played out before this very moment. The events that had led to you losing blood on a rooftop terrace belonging to a company that made more money than you did in an entire year.

You knew you shouldn't have moved to Tokyo, pursuing a career of dreams far beyond your reach. You shouldn't have taken this job, promising yourself you'd get a better one some day. You shouldn't have let your partner get shot, and you sure as hell shouldn't have tried to protect him after. You shouldn't have ignored his advice to you before you came here. You shouldn't have taken your partner for granted. Your old partner. He was dead, too far gone for anyone to save him. Haru Kato was dead, and you would meet the same fate as him soon after. You'd deal with the emotional baggage later - if there even was a later.

The lifeless body of your former partner floated in a pool, blood leaking from a wound much more fatal than yours. He had surely passed away moments ago, his body only now keeping still - like a statue. Haru Kato was your only good friend, and he was dead.

You could see the silhouette of the aggressor who shot you and your partner at the ledge of the terrace, waving his gun around as he held a child in his grasp. She was only a little girl, and she was the hostage. She was only a little girl, and she was being dangled off the edge.

You yourself laid in your own pool - albeit much less inviting than Haru's grave. To be fair, he was having a far worse day than you. You really hoped you wouldn't have to join him somewhere in the afterlife, sitting among the other lifeless victims whose lives were taken by the suspect with a gun.

The sliding glass door behind you opened, and a single shot pierced the air - the sound ringing in your ears longer than it should've. It was cracked and violent, ricocheting and smashing through the glass, creating yet another terrible sound that instilled fear within your tired being.

You couldn't quite point out who had opened the door. Through your blurry vision, you made out the shape of dark yet refined trousers and a pair of black dress shoes. You recognised the outfit very slightly, getting the idea of who it could've been but instead just hoping it was someone who came to help. Your best bet was the newest detective in the division - the apathetic fodder who you had only met briefly. You couldn't remember his name. What you knew about him was that he was cold and calculated, focused solely on his mission.

Surely, his mission didn't involve saving you.

At the sound of the glass breaking, the supposed corporate asshole didn't even flinch. Didn't fall. Didn't even make a sound.

"Nagamine Satoru," He began, his voice deep, monotone and with a slight british accent, "As a member of the Metropolitan Police Department, I order you to release the hostage and cease all hostilities." He spoke in a refined and eloquent fashion - almost as if he were bored. The suspect in question snarled, pointing the barrel of his gun towards the hostage's head.

"Don't tell me what to do! I'm the one with a gun!" His voice was strained and violent, heaving in breaths at every opportunity he could get. Despite the terrifying situation, the robot-like detective continued to keep calm.

"You don't need to make this harder for yourself. Listen to my orders and you won't be shot down."

The hostage cried out with fear as Nagamine dangled her over the edge of the terrace. You hated hearing the sounds of that little girl's screams. Silently praying that the Detective would do his god damn job correctly, you continued to listen in despite the pain in your chest.

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