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"Hey. Sit down with me for a second."

A hand patted the surface next to the man in question, who sat carefree on a bouncy sofa. He smiled at you and you felt almost completely compelled to sit next to him. You returned his smile, bouncing a little as your body touched the surface of the couch.

"What's up?" Your head turned over to face him and he twisted his body, letting his arm fall over the side of the sofa.

"How've you been doing lately?"

"Really? You called me over to ask me how i'm doing?"

He laughed, grinning in the process. "For real, though. We haven't caught up in a while."

"Well, uh, work is boring, like always." You felt a little silly answering his question, but you did it anyways.

"You could always just come with me on some cases. I'm sure chief wouldn't mind," A warm, yellow light shone down on the two of you. It was just you and him in the room. The others had gone home hours ago. By circumstance, you two got caught up spending a late night working on different cases. So here you were.

"Is there a real reason you asked me to look away from my work," You stifled back a knowing grin, "Or are you just stalling to get out of your own business?"

He let his head dip as he laughed.

"You got me. Who could blame me, though? It's not exactly the most fun activity to do research on a shoplifting case."

"That's the pain of modern crimes."


Things got quiet for a little, and then he turned to look at you again.

"Man - I wish I could just do something fun for once. Well, not fun; just.. different. Exhilarating, I guess. I wanna save someone and feel like my work is worth it."

You nodded.

"You seem like the only one here who would ever step out of your own company boundaries. Can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

"Well, if you ever need someone to save your life, I'm right here."

"Sure thing, Haru."


The car you sat in kept a sense of loneliness hidden within the seats. Your passenger seat used to always be occupied by a certain beige-haired man, and with him gone it felt like you'd never find someone to be that man again. You'd never find someone to be the man who'd sit next to you. Who'd sit next to you and listen to you. To whatever you had to say - even the stupid stuff. You wished someone would be there to act like Haru. But that wanting was only a fantasy. You knew it was, anyway. You knew all you thought about concerning your dead friend was just imagination.

But, hey, it was easier than dealing with what it meant to lose someone. You know, to actually accept it.

You wanted to get lost in your work; your job, one that required a finesse for stomping out emotions and leaving them in your locker rather than the clothes you wore. You were no longer a person. You were a cop; a tool to be utilised by the city you lived in.

That's what you told yourself, anyway. 

A mirror hung from your car, showing the transcendence. Showing that it was a practiced routine, mimicked by a reflection in the mirror that'd recorded your evolution. The road to self-redemption was a train - you were an avid passenger, and you'd been on your seat for a long while. You didn't entirely know where your train would lead, but you knew that it was going somewhere. You knew why you were on the train, but you didn't know where you'd go.

LOVE: UNLIMITED - D.K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now