RING~~~~~ RING~~~~~~~~

My brother's name popped up, so I picked up the phone, even though Mason was also in the car. 

"Morning, Sis," I heard my brother says from my car speakers. 

"Morning, what's up?" I ask, still looking in front.

"Are you by any chance passing by Amore Cafe on you way to office?" I hear my brother whisper.

"I will get your regular don't worry about it, I willcall you later I have company right now, so talk to you later." I say.

"YOU WHO'S WI----!" With that I qucikly cut the phone call and said a quick sorry to Mason.

Pulling up to Mason house, I put my car in neutral and looked at him. 

"Thanks, Crystal, for sending me home and sorry again for kepping you there at the hotel," Mason says apologetically.

"Um, it dosen't matter, have a nice day." I say as he takes his stuff from the back of the car.

  He closed the door, waving a quick bye he went inside. With that I drove to my house to get changed into my office wear since I had a meeting, today. 

Arriving at the company which was only 20 mintues away, I parked in the private parking lot of the office, grabbing my bag, phone, goods and ID (which everyone has). I get my temperature checked by the machine that we installed to days ago, and I get sprayed with a dash of disinfectant before makin' my way into the lift.  Reaching my brother's for I got off and I made my way to my brother's office. Knocking on the door. I hear a "Come in!" from my brother. "Crystal, Thank you for the food and coffee!" He said as he looked up from his computer, I saw his hazel eyes sparked as he saw the bags in my hands.

"Don't tell me Sister-In-Law is restricting your intakes again." I say jokingly, as I place the goods on the coffee table that was in front of his desk. 

"Don't let her hear that or she'll kill me for asking you to get this." he says looking at the door. 

"Brother, she will know that I brought it if you don't eat it quickly, I can distract her if you want." I say looking at him.

"Crys, you know she knows that you buy me this as Eva was so angry at me for making you run errands," he looked at me sternly.

"Tough, I going to see my amazing sister-in-law!!!" I say leaving the room and closing the door. 

Before going to my office I made a quick stop at Eva's office. KNOCK~~KNOCK

"Enter." I hear her say. 

"Ma'am, I've gotten you hot ammericano, with double shot of expresso and a dash of carmel sauce. Also, ma'am, I've gotten you a bacon salad box with od ma'am's special sauce." I say trying on to laugh. 

"You may leave it and go." I hear her say.

"Yes, Sister-in-law." I say leaving the food on the desk. When Eva is doing work she dosen't like people disturbing her nor does she really listen to what they have to say unless it's a phone call or something more important that her work.

"Oh my!" I hear her say worriedly, "Crys, love, I am so sorry! I keep doing this." She says getting of her desk and coming over to hug me.

"Eva, don't worry, " I say giving her a hug. 

"How's it going?" She asks dragging me to the couch.

"Nothing much, why?" I ask.

"Since you didn't go home last night, I come over since I had to give you this," she said handing me a bag.

"Wow! When did you get this?" I asked her, looking at the 1989's limited edition wine, which would cost around nearly 1 million. 

"Oh I got it as a birthday gift, the bootle had been covered up with lots and lots of decortation it was so much work to remove," she sighed as took a sip out of her coffee.

"Lets have this on a girls day," I suggest putting the wine back in the bag and giving it back to her.

"I know that is why I came over last night since you told me you were free that morning, what happened?" she asked looking at me as she got the food out of the pouch.

"Well I ran into a slight um...... problem, and was out unit this morning." I say, then I look at my watch.

"Ah..... Why don't we have a girls day this weekend?" 

"MMMM..... Sure." I say getting up, " See you later than Eva!!!"

"See you, thank for the food and coffee, I really needed it. And we will be a very deep conversation of this amazing wine!!" She laughs as I walk towards the door.

"Of course we will, Eva, ofcourse we will." I say similing, 'cause I know that she won't push me unless she knows it's bothering me a lot.

After that there wasn't anything that happened apart from some files and needing to go to the Shadow's  headquartors to see if everything is okay, while making arrangements to reloccate some people to different branches till another place is built.

Please comment I'd Love to hear for you all who are reading this book!!!

A/N: Hey guys sorry for not updating for a month I had a lot of work to do some far and a lot of tests. I will try and update at least once a month and if I don't I might release small chapters that will be a word count of 400 or more.


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