Chapter 6

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"Crystal, relax what he said wasn't to disrespectful. You know it doesn't get to me," Gabriel said looking at his younger sister with a worried expression.

"But it kills me even the slightest disrespect to you, kills me Gab. Your literally my older brother, who's done so much for me, so I will get pissed even if it's a small matter." Crystal stated.

"Your highness, I have brought you a light iced mocha with 2 extra shots of espresso and no foam, with a cake pop and muffin. And for you Gabriel a macchiato with 3 extra shots of espresso with a muffin and chocolate au pain and for my self a cappuccino with soya milk foam and 1 extra shot of espresso with a waffle, cake pop and... and.. that's it. Bon appétit," Ava said laying everything out on the coffee table in front, with a smile.

"How the hell did you get all of this in what 5 minutes?" Crystal said picking up her coffee.

"Well, there is something called your own Starbucks in this building, so yeah," Ava said with a wink.

"Ava, thank you. It looks wonderful and tastes delicious," Gabriel said as he took a bit from his food.

"No problem, hopefully this reduces some stress," Ava said sinking into the couch, and drink some of her coffee.

Putting her drink down, Crystal, grabbed a white folder from her desk and opened it up saying, "Anyways, we got this really good deal with....."

The next day..

Crystal had just finished her stressful day, filled with board meeting and signing off files. As she arrived to her home an unfamiliar car was parked up in front of her gates and her security team were trying to get the owner of the car to move, but they hustled stayed in the car.

Frustrated from waiting, Crystal go to of her car told her security to move to a side and knocked on the door of the car and said slowly, "Hello, can you move I need to enter my home?"

"Ma'am, the person within the vehicle has responded to us for the past 10 minutes," one of the guards said.

"Okay, call someone to tow the car to one of the car pounds," Crystal says taking out her phone and turning flash light on to look inside the car.

"Jesus, there is someone in there," Crystal whispers to herself.

"Hurry up and call the guy, I can't say outside all day," Crystal says heading back to her car.

A few minutes later the tow truck came, as the guy started to buckle the car the driver's door opened.

Out came a man who was in causal clothing and wore sunglasses, he turned around to face Crystal.

"Long time no see love," he said, taking his sunglasses off and giving her a wink.

"Mr Williams, what are doing in front of my home?" Asked Crystal calmly and showing how furious she was on the inside.

"Ms. Levisay, let's drop the formality shall we?" Mason said leaning on his car, " also, tell you team to leave my car alone."

"Oh my, making demands on my land. I see. Why shall I listen to you?" Crystal asked mockingly.

"My dear Crystal, let's forget about the past and move in. I came to meet you since I want you to see some...."

"Listen here very carefully Williams, I currently have zero patience for you and anyone else so, I suggest you come back on another day." Crystal says getting into her car.

"Crystal it's about you know our..." Mason started again.

"Mr Williams, I am afraid to tell you this but like you said our past is the past and let's forget that, as you and everyone else knows I am in a commitment relationship, so do everyone a favor and live your own life." Crystal said before driving off into her home.

"My love how can I apologies to you after everything I have done?" Mason said in a low voice, as he watched Crystal drive away.

A/N: Hey my loves, I know this is a really short chapter, but currently I am facing writer's bock as well as a lot of exams. So yes my updating is going to much slower, Sorry.

(Edited) 5th Dec 2021

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