Chapter 19

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"Ah, you must be dad" Dr Miller spoke to the man still standing starstruck by the door as the nurse acting as security left the room.

It was then that he seemed to click. His eyes shot straight towards the good looking man practising his profession before gaining a scowl soon meeting my own face.

"You seem too fucking young to be a doctor. Where's your licence? If you dare make her uncomfortable I swear to fucking god I-"

"Hero" I spoke sternly looking straight into his eyes as I felt a rush of embarrassment for the male only doing his job.

"I assure you, sir, I do everything possible to make my patients as comfortable as possible. I know the circumstances are difficult with COVID but all safety precautions are taken an-"

"Yeah, okay, I don't really give a fuck about how you're treating your other patients, I care about how you're treating Jo"

"I'm so sorry Doctor Miller, it's his first appointment with me so he's not really used to this setting" I said clenching down on my jaw to release my pent up frustration.

With a quick nod from the Dr and a hushed "who's fault is that" under Hero's breathe, we moved along with the appointment.

Clearing his throat he began, "so Josephine, I believe you were in a car accident a few days ago is that correct, " he paused waiting for a shake of the head from me which he quickly received, "how's everything felt since then? Have you experienced any stomach pains or bleeding?"

"No, no, no, nothing like that luckily. I've just been feeling really anxious since the crash with the doctor telling me about the possibilities of what could have happened. I know it's ridiculous but I'd rather assure us all there's absolutely nothing wrong at a time when I'm less medicated and can see for myself"

"It's completely normal to worry about your unborn baby Josephine" Dr Miller spoke in his restlessly charming smile whilst a sound almost as low as a growl made an exit from my baby daddy's lips.

"Anyway" the professional in the room spoke practically choking on his own saliva, "are we ready to start"

It was clear when his eye line shot in one particular direction that his question was selected for one individual only. With the dimples growing prominent just above the outline of his mask as he moved to sit down, a relieved sigh left the Dr' lips as I moved my top to the place just below my bra that has already doubled in size.

The doctor's words seemed only muffled in the background as I watched Hero examine the flesh that had been uncovered. Noticing his eyes dilate with each passing glance, I could tell his desire to touch the place our baby was hiding.

Knowing he probably wouldn't bother to ask due to worry's of rejection, I grabbed the warm palm I was so used to holding and guided it to my favourite place in the world.

As soon as his fingers grazed the uncovered skin, i rush of goosebumps enveloped me as he steadily rested his whole hand over the bulge. Within seconds of the placement, an almighty kick pushed against my stomach as his eyes previously fixed on his unborn child rushed to me in panic.

"What was that? Something just happened Miller, do something." He screamed practically jumping from his seat.

"Hero," I said waiting to have his attention back before talking again, "the baby kicked. Sorry doctor I forgot to mention it bu-"

"He kicked?" My reasoning for experiencing the kicks asked as his look of astonishment grew to new heights.

"They did" I responded, not using a pronoun whilst I relaxed at the sensation of his hand back on the place I most needed it to lay.

"That's great Josephine. Baby is now at the stage of showing movements which is good news. I'm not too concerned over anything but I will do a scan and take some measurements purely just to give you peace of mind" he said with a look clarifying his words as he moved the wand towards my stomach as Hero flinched away.

Moving at the cold liquid on my bump, I instantly found myself having to calm my baby's father down as he began questioning what the hell the doctor was doing. His entire voice only stopping when the whooshing sound I had a DVD of played in both of our ears.

"Is that-" he asked unable to finish his words.

"That right there is your baby" the doctor responded to him as he continued to move the small device around searching for the clear image of my little one.

"And that," he said after finally locating what he was desperate to find and twisting the screen towards us both, "is the place where your baby is hiding"

The look of awe on the man's face as he squeezed my wrist was something making me want to grab my phone and take a picture. His attitude towards the professional changed as he began asking every question under the sun. What the size of the baby was, what different body parts were, and then the question I didn't even know myself.

"What's the sex?" He questioned looking between the two people he believed to know with a look of desperation on his face.

"Would you like to know? I believe you chose not too last time if i-"

"You didn't find out?" Hero asked rudely interrupting the doctor once again as I nodded my head, "why?"

"I understand everything that I've done to you is wrong Hero, I really do now, but I couldn't do something this important without you" I spoke completely disacknowledging the presence of the doctor.

"Would you guys like to know?" He asked sensing the tension in the room clearly trying to change the atmosphere.

As if flipping a switch and not even allowing me a second to respond, my child's daddy's chair scraped across the floor before the door quickly slammed shut leaving my mouth agape. Sensing he needed some air and trying to put the awkwardness encasing the room to an end, I asked to leave the question of gender until the end and proceeded with the appointment.

Twenty minutes of tests and checks later, my mind was set at ease with only positive news leaving Doctor Miller's mouth. Asking for the sex to be written on a card with no sign of his return, I quickly rushed out into the fresh breeze silently praying to spot the man probably in a state.

It soon became apparent there was no hope.

Hours seemed to pass in a flash as my mind rushed over the past day. Him actually coming to my surprise, the sound of our baby affecting his eyes, his non-stop flow of questions ready to hear news of our little one, all of it was too much to handle.

Taking the medicine prescribed to help with the sickness that had returned, I quickly changed into my comfiest set of pyjamas before the sound of the door rang through my ears.

Walking into the living room watching as Hallie and Kath remained completely in their own world as they stared at Ian Somerhalder on the tv, I softly chuckled to myself at their ignorance and walked towards the door.

The second I made contact with the person on the other side, my breath was taken away as his green eyes bored into my own. The only thing breaking me out of my shocked state at the sight of him after his runoff this morning being his next four words.

"We need to talk"

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