[a] Pushed Away

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Imagine type: angst

Warning: none


A sigh left your lips as you sat in the library, books surrounding you. You glanced at the clock, hoping you were seeing it wrong and you hadn't been sitting here for as long as you have.

JJ had been supposed to meet you at the library to help you study for an upcoming exam. You could study by yourself, but it was better when someone was with you.

"This is so cliché," you mumbled to yourself, hoping to feel a little better, but you couldn't hide the fact that you were upset. You had a soft spot for JJ, but you knew you weren't the only one. You knew he was with her.

Things used to be so simple. You had met JJ in the fourth grade and you guys had been inseparable, but now there was more to it. How had a friendship that had lasted so long collapsed so easily?

When Amelie came into the picture, it was as though you had been torn off and thrown away.  You didn't have any hard feelings against her though. She was kind and beautiful, nothing to hate about her. JJ liked her, it was obvious. You just wished he would noticed who liked him.

You were happy for him, that he had found someone to love, any decent friend would be. The only catch, he had no time for you.

You leaned back in your chair, playing with the pencil in your hand. You didn't feel like studying, anymore. Suddenly, you heard footsteps and looking up, you hoped to see JJ, but instead, it was the librarian.

"I don't mean to be a bother, but the library is closing soon," she smiled slightly. "He didn't show up?"

"Not today," You shook your head, pressing your lips together, a sinking feeling settling all too comfortably in your stomach.

"Go home and rest, you've been studying all afternoon." You nodded and packed your stuff up, wishing the librarian a good evening and you slipped into the cool night air.

You walked slowly, your feet dragging lightly on the concrete, you had nowhere to be anyways.

You felt your phone vibrating in your pocket and took it out. It was JJ. Curious to what his excuse could be this time, you answered.

"Hello?" You say into the phone and you hear JJ from the other side.

"I'm so sorry, really. I didn't mean to leave you waiting, I was busy," You heard him say and you rolled your eyes. He was busy. He was always busy, never told you with what, though. That's okay, you didn't need him to tell you because you knew.

"What were you busy with?" You ask, bored.

"I was.. just some stuff." You sighed heavily, sure that JJ can hear you. "I can help you come study now, though!"

"It's kinda late now, JJ," you say softly. "It's okay, you should just go home." You hung up, emotions building inside of you, scared that you might be losing another friend.

You had distanced yourself from many friends in your past, most of those times it wasn't your decision, but JJ had always been there. He'd always been the one person you could count on no matter what. Now it was different.

He hadn't noticed how much you guys had grown apart. He was slowly drifting away from you and all you could was sit back and watch, pretending you didn't notice.

Walking up to your house, you pause at the sight of a familiar face. You roll your eyes at JJ as he looks up, seeing you. Trying to walk away, you don't get far as JJ catches up to you, pulling on your arm gently.

"I told you to go home," you said savagely, anger dripping over your words. You heard a guilty sigh escape JJ's lips and you turn around to look at him.

"I just thought I would help you study," JJ whispered.

"It's not about the studying," you muttered. "Where were you?"

"I was just busy," JJ says again and you scoff. It was the same excuse every time and this wasn't even much of an excuse.

"After tonight, you at least owe me the truth." You cross your arms, waiting.

"I was with Amelie," JJ admitted, head hung low and all you did was shake your head as you were already aware.

"I figured. I'll see you around, JJ," you try again to walk away.

"Wait, y/n! I can still help you study!" JJ offers once more and you snap.

"It's not about the studying! It was.. never about the studying," you say the last part softly. "I couldn't care less about what we do together, but you've been blowing me off constantly these past few months and I can't deal with it anymore. Think about it, when was the last time you and I hung out?"

JJ's mouth opens, but nothing comes out.

"We hung out a couple weeks ago! We went to the fair together," JJ shrugged.

"We didn't go the fair together, JJ, but at least now I know where you were when I asked you to come out on the boat with me," you spat.

"We can make plans now! I can't lose my best friend," JJ pleads and you almost give in, but this time you don't.

"Lose your best friend? I don't think I'm your best friend anymore, and if I am, I don't really feel like one." You turn again, determined to make it into your house, blocking out everything JJ was saying.

"You can't just push me away," JJ calls out, irritably and you turn around slowly, his words making your blood boil.

"I have done everything to save this friendship and you couldn't see that. I didn't push you away. You pushed yourself away."

Finally what you're saying seems to be sinking into JJ's head, as he's silent. You take the time to walk over to your front door, where you step into your house and slam the door immediately.

You fall to the ground, almost exhausted from that short argument and you feel the weight of the situation falling on you.

Maybe you had pushed away your only good friend, but maybe he had to be pushed away.


Another angst😺 I apologize for anyone named Amelie, I literally just chose a random name I swear I have nothing against Amelie's😭

Also, 2000 reads!! Woohoo!!

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