[a] When He Falls Out of Love

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Imagine type: angst

Recommend song: Out of Love by: Alessia Cara

Warning: none


You stepped into the shower, heart heaving and you couldn't tell the difference between the shower water and your tears anymore. 

Thoughts consumed the entirety of your mind and you wished you could be free of them for even a few minutes, but it was no use. It was simple, it was, but also, not at all.

For weeks now, JJ had been distant. Even though you saw him almost every day, his presence in your life felt minimal. When he was around you, he didn't seem very interested in seeing you or talking to you.

Of course, overthinking the situation would make you believe the worst was happening, but you knew that JJ had simply lost feelings. There were no more hugs or kisses. Even a call, at the very least, was due.

You turned the shower to cold, hoping the cool water would help with your puffy eyes. Getting out, you wrap a towel around you and your next move was clear. You would simply have to go talk to JJ. If he was indeed unhappy, this relationship was benefiting no one. 

You texted him to see if he was at John B's, but you knew he wouldn't text back. All your texts were always either left on read or delivered, for those days he didn't even care enough to open the message, let alone reply.

Sinking into a hoodie - one that didn't belong to JJ, you walked the short distance to the Chateau, a horrible feeling in your stomach already evident.

Knocking on the door softly, you almost wished no one would come so you didn't have to talk to JJ, but sure enough, the boy himself was here to open the door for you.

"Oh, hey, y/n," he greeted with a lack of enthusiasm. He perched the door open with his arm, letting you step inside.

"Hey, JJ," you sighed, trying not to make eye contact with him, because you knew if you did, the tears wouldn't fail to come.

"Y/n! What's up?" John B smiled and you faked a smile right back.

"Hey, JB," you chuckled. "I just have to talk to JJ for a little bit, first." A look flickered quickly over John B's face. Maybe... understanding? Seems like you weren't he only one who had sensed something was off. So, this definitely wasn't your overthinking, then.

JJ followed you out onto the porch, where you guys sat on the steps and you could almost choke on the tension in the air.

"JJ..." you started, not sure how you were supposed to ask someone if they still loved you. "Tell me you love me," you finally asked and JJ looked at you with furrowed brows, obviously confused at the request, but he didn't open his mouth, and that was all you noticed.

"Can you tell me you love me?" You asked again and every part of your body felt weaker and weaker when he once again opened his mouth, but not a sound came out. You nodded and looked at your hands.

"I'm sorry, I want to, and I do love you, but not in the way you want me to," JJ said softly and you knew you couldn't get mad at that.

You wanted to hear words come out of JJ's mouth, just not those ones. Anybody could've predicted this ending, you knew this was coming, but it still hurt to hear it.

"You deserve someone that can love you in the way I can't, I'm really sorry, y/n," JJ mustered out, looking a bit weak himself.

"It's okay, I understand," you sniffled and you let out a small smile, but you could see the hurt in JJ's eyes.

You understood? JJ would've rather you yell at him or scream at him. Hit him, even, anything that was appropriate for this situation. How could you seem so calm and unbothered? Except for the tears pricking your eyes, of course.

"It's not your fault. We don't control our feelings. You're a good guy, JJ," you said, finally looking at him square in the eye.

It hurt JJ to see you like this and him being the cause of it, hurt him more. The girl in front of him just had her heart broken and she was here, complimenting him. She took none of her anger or sadness out on him. She was so amazing, she was everything he's ever wanted, so why couldn't he love her?

After a few moments of silence, you spoke up, feeling unwanted here.

"I should probably go," you said softly and even the following nods from JJ broke you. You wanted him to tell you to stay, to tell you you're always welcome with him, but it didn't come. You were not surprised and you knew you shouldn't expect that.

"Hey, I still care about you," JJ says as you get up. "You should find someone that cares about you even more, though."

"I'll try," you sigh with a weak smile. You turn, your emotions so strong that you feel them taking over you. You don't even feel the usual eyes on your back as you walk away and all you hear is the quiet wind and the slamming of the door as you leave.


Okay I'm assuming that most of you like reading fluffs and I also love reading and writing fluffs but angst imagines are just a different breed lmao I LOVE writing angst imagines

I don't know what it is about them but I just.. love that

Leave requests if you want!

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