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"Can I ask you something?" He asked as she got in.

"Of course you can," Lisa pulls the seatbelt and secures herself nicely.

"What exactly did you want me to do? You know...when you threw all those signals to me? Cus I'm still figuring out half of it,"

Aw...he didn't understand! That's why he didn't run!! So adorable!

"I said, I'll throw the can...when he walks over to check, you make a run and call for help. Then I'll jump on him,"

He froze and his eyes got wider. Gone were the earlier warm vibe around them as he now sits with a frown. Why?

"Wait – so you actually planned to jump on him?" Why is he shouting? "Do you know how dangerous that is? He might have a gun and he could shoot you within seconds – you thought you could just jump on him??"

Hang on, why is he so upset?? "He might, yes...but it'll give you the time to run and call for help –"

Really, does he not realize that she was only trying to save his life??

"We could've just stayed hidden – I've already texted my bodyguard for help! Oh God – that's your big plan??"

"Well what did you think I was saying?"

"I thought you asked me to sneak up on him and - and jump on him while he was searching for you –"

Lisa can't help but chuckle. "We both know you're too scared to do that! You were scared of me so I didn't think that you'd be able to jump on a freaking robber! And I can't just sit back and wait – it might be too late! He might hurt the poor boy –"

"But he didn't!! The boy was fine taking out the cash – hell, he's probably so used to it by now!" His big sigh clearly shows how frustrated he is over the incident but Lisa's having none of it.

"What the hell does that mean?"

Sure, it wasn't the best plan ever and sure, the robber might harm her before she could even do anything but again, it'll give the two enough time to run – really, what's so damn hard to understand??

"I mean look at this place!" He held both hands up and slammed his palms on the steering wheel, making her jump in her seat a little. "It's so...dodgy...and quiet – of course there'll be robbers and – and drug addicts –"

"Okay, you're getting on my nerves so you better take it back before I lose it –"

"Take back what?" He laughed. "Why are you so offended – it's true!"

God, this guy was so cute since the first time she met him but now – now he's just a jerk!

Lisa took off the seatbelt and grabbed her bag before opening the car door.

"Hey, what're you –"

"You know what, Jungkook-ssi? I'd prefer to walk on this 'dodgy' street and fight for my life all night than just stay behind and hides, hoping that someone will somehow show up and rescue me cus I can tell you this much – that shit doesn't happen to just about anyone! He's probably waiting for someone to rescue him too – did you think about that? Just cus he's just a cashier and yes, he probably had to deal with that shit everyday – doesn't mean it's okay for me to just let it happen! You might value your life more than others and hey, who am I to judge right? But a life is a life, regardless of how fucking fancy your car is or if your bodyguard takes the bullet for you – does his life worth less than yours then? You know, people like you make me sick!" She slams the door behind her and began stomping along the pavements. 

God, tonight have got to be one of the most unbelievable – who the hell does he think he is?? First he shouts at me for trying to save his life, then he has the nerve to insult that boy and the place he works at? Hah – just because he's so cute, he thinks he can get away with saying anything he wants? Ugh, that bunny smile...and – and his kitty-doe-eyes – he thinks he's better than everyone??

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