Izuku Midoriya x Reader

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     (So I've gotten alot of request, and I promise I'm trying to get to them but there's alot going on in my life right now and it's hurting my writing and I find it harder to write request cause I want them to be perfect for you guys. Just please be patient and I'll try to get them out as soon as I can😥)
(But for now enjoy this)

Walking around your best friends wedding it was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. The colors, the smell, the food, the drinks. But you didnt expect anything less from Midoriya and Uraraka. They must of put so much thought into it. And you were sure with midoriya being the number one hero these days that money wasnt an object. They probably spend alot of money on the wedding. Every thing was perfect. There were flowers all over and the feild they were getting married at was huge. There was so many chairs. You knew being so popular that he would have alot of people here but it seemed a little much. But the more you walked around the more pro hero's there were here. God you wished this was your wedding. But you tried to smash those thoughts as you walked around more.

You didnt wanna come, but with him being your best friend you had to. Plus bakugou told you that the only way he was coming is if you were, and since midoriya wanted bakugou there so badly you had to make midoriya happy. You just wished you could find him already. You tried looking around the food area. But you still didnt find him.

But after a while, you gave up and decided to find any of your friends but thats when Bakugou bumped into you, he went to yell but when he seen it was you. He calmed back down  You gave him smile, even tho you gave him a smile. Bakugou could see through the smile. He knew you wanted to be here to support Deku, but he could see how it was destroying you inside. He wished he could take your pain away. If he could he would make you fall in love with him. But he never tried cause midoriya always had your heart and he wasnt gonna get his broken. Not that he was ever gonna tell you that the way you felt about midoriya was the same way he felt about you. There was no point in telling you. Not when you look at midoriya like he puts stars in the sky. But some part of bakugou still wished he tried then maybe this could be his wedding. Maybe you wouldnt have that sad look in your eyes as you look at everything around you.

"Should of told him how you felt before she did." Bakugou kissed the top of your head. You took this action as he was trying to calm you down and comfort you but to be real bakugou took anything he could get to touch you like this. But You heard some "Woo" around you.And it ruined the moment. It was kaminari and Mina. They were already tipsy. You could help but let out a small laugh as they got closer. Kaminari wrapped a arm around your shoulder.

"You know it isnt too late, you could always tell him your feelings. We can go find him and you can spill your guts to him." Kaminari gave you a kiss on the cheek. You knew Kaminari would be there for you even if things went wrong with midoriya.

"We're at his wedding, its too late. Plus theres paparazzi around. Hes the number one hero, it would be embarrassing for everyone to do a story about the number one hero best friend ruining his wedding." you laughed.

Bakugou was watching you like a hawk, he wished he could make things easier for you. Thats were he got an idea. Before you even knew it. Bakugou was walking away from you three. You wanted to yell for him but he looked like he was on a mission.

"Come on, lets go get our seats. I wanna see this close up. Unless you dont wanna, then we can sit in the back." Mina said grabbing your hand and dragging you where everyone was.

"How about the middle, so you guys can still see but if I start crying it wont be so noticeable." you joked as you got pulled along.

Bakugou knew where midoriya was at this moment, he was getting dressed for his big day. It didnt take the number 2 hero that long to get to where the number one hero was. Bakugou busted in to the room midoriya was getting dressed. Iida was there helping midoriya.

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