Kirishima x Reader -What Do I do?

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                      (Slightly differnt writing form but hope you enjoy.)
(I feel like my writings are getting worse as I write :/ )

"Isnt that the boy who you were so in love with?" You heard your best friend whisper as the two boys walked past you. "The red head right? You two were pretty close before right?"

You didnt even have to look where she was, you already knew it was. You could hear your crushes boyfriend, yelling at his classmates. Your crush Kirishima had gotten with Bakugou. Which wasnt that surprising. You knew the two was close, but you never knew this close but even so didnt surprise you when the red head came to you one day telling you about how Bakugou had yes to him. You had to force the biggest smile. He was your friend you were suppose to be happy for him. Even tho it broke your heart. You were happy for him.

"Yeah." You mumbled, as you dragged your friend by their hand past the two boys. What you were expecting was Kirishima to call out to you.

"Aye Y/n!" The red head yelled a little louder then he should of cause everyone looked at you. But even with everyones eyes on you. You just kept walking but when your friend tried to stop you quickly let go of their hand and started running. You couldnt help it. Ever since Kirishima started dating Bakugou you have been ignoring him. You couldnt take it. You knew it was sorta mean to do this to the sweet boy but even so. You couldnt help yourself.


"What was that back there you know he was yelling for you." Your best friend sighed, as you two worked on of the paper work you were assigned by your teacher. Luckily you were in the support class, so you didnt have to see or deal with Kirishima.

"What was with you stopping. You know im trying to keep distance between us two." You slightly hissed. But your friend just rolled their eyes as they tried to help you with your paper work. They had figured they werent gonna get a good answer from you.


"Why do you think she didnt talk to me earlier?" Kirishima asked the people at the table, it was lunch time and he could see you with the friends you were hanging out with.

"How the fuck should I know?" Bakugou groaned out, he had been hearing Kirishima whine about you all day. "Want me to go ask her what the fuck her promblem is?"

Kirishima looked over at bakugou, trying to figure out if he should let his angry boyfriend go over to you. But he decided not to let that happen. He wasnt sure what his boyfriend would do.

"No.." Kirishima mumbled.

"Then shut up about it" Bakugou groaned, but the look on kirishima as he looked over where you were sitting made him feel uneasy. Bakugou was gonna figure out what the hell your promblem even if he had to do it when kirishima wasnt around.


"Yo, fucker. Why did you run away from shitty hair this morning." Bakugou had found you walking around the hallways by yourself, you both must of been taking a bathroom break or something at the same time.

When you tried to walk away from Bakugou without giving him an answer, it ticked him off.

He quickly rushed over to you and grabbed a hold of your arm and pushing you into a wall, pinning your arms above your head. He was glaring down at you. You couldnt help but stare, you could see why Kirishima would want Bakugou. He was good looking. But he seems a little rough around the edges. But you knew Kirishima found the good in everyone.

"Dont you dare think im gonna let you walk away from me, Im not kirishima. Now talk to me. Why the hell havent you been talking to him anymore? Werent you two close at one point? Now you dont even give him the time of day. What kinda bullshit is that?"

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