Bakugou x reader

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(This is kinda short and not the best but aye. Wanted to put something out)

❌Might be triggering. Not sure but sexual triggering. If anything.❌

You weren't bothering anyone, you were just reading a book in Bakugou room since he was outside training and since it was quieter then your room right now. Your room was next to Jirou and she was practicing playing her drums. Not that you mind you just had to study and since you knew Bakugou would let you sit in his room while studying you were now sitting in there on his bed. But of course the flirty boy of class 1A caught wind of it that you were gonna be alone in bakugou room and had to come and bother you. He walked into Bakugou room like it was nothing. You were sure if Bakugou was here, Kaminari would be thrown out on his ass. But since he wasnt you now had to deal with him.

You didnt even look up at the blondie, but you could hear him getting closer and closer to the bed.

"What you doing in here all alone sweet cheeks?" Kaminari said sititng down on the bed beside you.

You were reading a book that you were trying to study, you tried your best to ignored Kaminari. But Kaminari got closer to you and leaned on you setting his head on your shoulder. But you still didnt look at him you simply said.

"You better go before Bakugou comes back and see you being like this with me. Just cause me and him are broken up doesnt mean he isnt gonna kick your ass for trying to flirt."

Kaminari let out a small sigh before talking. "Yeah know you're probably right, but I hear that he's gonna be training a long time. So im not that worried about that princess."

Princess. Was the nickname that Bakugou always called you, only cause he knew how much you liked it. Kaminari even knew how much you liked it. You assumed thats why he used it.

"You know Bakugou is the only person who is suppose to call me that." you mumbled still not looking up from the book you're suppose to be studying.

"And you're also only suppose to call Bakugou daddy, but thats gonna change pretty soon too." You didnt even have to look at Kaminari to know he was smirking you could hear the smirk just in his voice.

You didnt say anything, you didnt know what to say to that. You just tried to ignore the boy, but he wasnt giving up not by a long shot.

"Come on think about it. I can be your new daddy. You could scream my name and I can make you feel a hell alot better then he could. I'd blow your mind. Just stop reading and I can show you what your new daddy can do" Kaminari quickly pushed you backwards and quickly got on top of you. Pinning your arms down while he sat on your hips. You couldnt move. He had a pretty good grip on you.

"Denki. Get off." You groaned before rolling your eyes.

"Come On Y/n, It will be fun." Kaminari said before smashing his lips into yours. You didnt kiss back you didnt do nothing. But when you both heard the door open with a bang. You felt Kaminari freeze.

"In my fucking bed" You didnt even have to see Bakugou face, you could hear the anger in his voice. You knew Bakugou was pissed. You could even hear his quirk going off.

Kaminari quickly jumped off of you and the bed, before trying to stay away from bakugou as much as he could. You just sat up and went back to your book you were suppose to be studying. Like nothing even happened.

"I-I thought you and Kirishima were training longer?" Kaminari voice was shakey, you couldnt help but look over at him to see his face was scared. You never seen his face this scared it was kinda funny.

"Shitty hair got hurt, we had to cut it short. But it seems like I can just use my quirk on you." Bakugou glared at Kaminari.

"B-Bakugou we're friends right? P-please. You're not dating her. I-I thought it was fair game" Kaminari body was now shaking.

"Thought wrong." Bakugou said before running over to try to attack Kaminari, but Kaminari quickly doudged him before running out of the room. you were sure you heard a slight scream leave Kaminari mouth before leaving the room. You would be screaming too if Bakugou was him too.

Bakugou was left standing there, you didnt say anything you just looked back down at your book. It was quiet for while. After a while of him just standing there. He came over and sat down beside you to check out what you were studying.

"You let that dumbass get the better of you? Are you okay? " He hissed. "What kinda shit was that? Did you like it? Do you like him?"

You didnt say anything you just stayed quiet, waiting for him to get mad. You liked to pick on him. It wasnt true you only liked Bakugou and Kaminari was just a friend. Not that, that was a secret. Everyone knew how head over heels in love with Bakugou you were but it also wasnt a secret Kaminari had the hots for you. But you assumed he had the hots for everyone.

"God damn it Y/n. Answer me" He quickly grabbed your face, making you look at him.

You couldnt help but smile. "Of course im fine. Also no I dont like kaminari like that you dumbass. I only have feelings for you. But since you wanted to dump me. Why does it matter if I like Kaminari or not anyways?"

Bakugou rolled his eyes at that question "I didnt mean to dump you, You made me angry and I said stuipd shit and you just pissed me off okay? You're mine no shitty extra can have you Y/n."

"Yeah. I hear ya" You mumbled as you looked into his eyes. You couldnt help but think about how strong his grip on your face was. It was slightly starting to hurt. But after a while of just plain silence

Bakugou finally let go of your face, which was a relief now your face wasnt in pain. but you still didnt turn away. You stared into his red ruby eyes. They were staring into yours so intensly.

"I love you Y/n. im sorry." He mumbled, before pulling you into his arms. "Seeing Kaminari ontop of you. Seeing his lips on yours was a wake up. I dont wanna be without you"

You couldnt help but say some smart ass comment back, and ruin the moment he was trying to set. "Yeah I bet" You mumbled. Bakugou just slightly sighed.

"Shut up and just love me"

My hero academia X Reader (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now