Walten's tiny feet

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Walten: * asleep* * has a blanket over him with his little feet sticking out*

Dipsy: * notices Walten's small feet* * chuckles* * about to poke them*

Ron: Dipsy no-

Dipsy: * pokes Walten's foot*

Walten: * kicks Dipsy in the face*

Dipsy: ACK- * falls to the floor*

Ron: o - o

Walten: * gets up and pulls out a gun out of nowhere* * threatens Dipsy with it*

Dipsy: * crawls away*

Walten: * watches him crawl out of the room*

Ron: holy f*ck dude-

Walten: * goes back to sleep* 

Tinky and Po: * were about to draw on Walten's face while he was sleeping* * but they have changed their minds* * both back away very slowly*

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