Harry is a middle school student who will attend 'riverton junior high' starting this year. Harry is 12 which means he is in the 6th grade. Harry, is very simple minded,  he looks at something or meets someone,  he can only see the good in the person.  Harry does not have any problem with any one, weather the person be brown skined,  gay, lesbian, white skinned, bisexual, black skinned,  transgender, from 2 different religious backgrounds, it doesn't matter about the person' s appearance as long as the person it nice. 

Harry, is very single driven,  if that is even a word? But that is what Harry calls himself,  what he means is that,  he only 1 dream,  which is to become a engineer and he only has 1 passion. 

Harry's passion is singing. Harry loves to sing, Harry has been singing since he was 6, he loves to  sing,  his favorite song is 'isn't she lovely' by Steven Wonder. He heard for the first time when he was 7 and half years old.  He has heard other artists and songs but for him that song will always hold a special space in his heart. 

Harry is very quiet,  he keeps to himself a lot,  he tends to get lost in his own thoughts at times or he just starts to imagine things when he gets bored,  he does not have a father because well, his father died  3 months After Harry was born. Harry's dad side of the family loves him and his mom. After his father died, he  really didn't miss him, sure there are things that he wants to do with his papa but can't.

What is wrose Harry's mom died when Harry was 2 years old in a car crash,  when she was returning home from her office. Since then Harry only has this siblings,  he has 5 older siblings.  Hid eldest brother's name is Camron, he is 20, he works at 4 different places.

1. A tattoo and piercing parlor
2. At a cafe called expersso espresso
3. At a restaurant as a waiter
And lastly, at Fast food chain

He works at those places through the course of 6 days. Camron wants to be a lawyer.   

Then we have his older sister named Cora, is 18 and she is at university mostly of the time just like Camron, but both of them find time to study and work at the same time.  Cora works at 6 and sometimes 7 places. 

On Monday she works at 2 coffee shops, Tuesday and Wednesday she works at a shoe store, then she works at 2 beauty parlors on Thursdays, then she works at a ice cream shop on Friday and sometimes she works at a art gallery.  She wants to be an interior decorator.

Then we have the middle child Aka Gemma, Harry's other sister who is 17 an she is in high school, 12th grade,  she love Harry a lot.  Gemma works on saterdays as a milkshake shop worker and a makeup selling company. Then on Sundays, she works at a shoe store and at a froyo shop. So in total she has 4 jobs as well. Gemma wants to be a fashion designer.

Next we have Hector age also 17, he wants to be a car dealer, so he works at a car company as an internship but works at 2 toy stores, and at a gas station, from Monday to Thursday.  Friday to Sunday he studies. 

Then last but not least we have Heather, Harry's older sister who wants to be a mechanical engineer.   She is 15 about to turn 16, she is the one who stays home with Harry.  But she doesn't get to spend to much Time with her because she is studying all the time. 

Which leaves harry alone, and that is also why he keeps tk himself as well, no one is with him all the time and he does not want to interrupt  his family. 

Ans And you might be wondering why don't Harry's relatives help them out and give them a place to live?  Well, when they asked Camron if he wanted to come and live with them they all could.  But be refused but when said that, their families still said that if they wanted to drop by and ask for help they could.  Which made Camron's blood boil,  and he promised himself he would not be beaten by his own family. 

He  told everyone, well everyone except for Harry. But when he told the story about what he did and they were all okay with it so it was actually fine.

Camron knew that if Harry knew his little secret he would have been so angry at him that he might run away from home and not return. 


Hi, do u like the first chapter, it is not really a chapter, it is just a where did they character come from thing
But I still hope you like it.

(Corona Virus pandemic,  3:26 am,  Thursday, September 10th)

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