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Anna leant against the railing with Lucy and Gael when a violent echoing roar rang out which made the crew of the Dawn Treader jump out of their skins.

"What was that?" Lucy asked turning to Captain Drinian who was looking out into the distance with knowing eyes.

"Is it the volcano?" Gael asked as Anna could see fire over the jagged rock of the island in the distance.

"That's no volcano," Admitted Captain Drinian as he moved away and towards the crew yelling, "All hands on deck!"

Everyone grew to take the roars seriously as they all positioned themselves with bows

Gael fitted into Anna's side in fear as the young woman mumbled in crazed realisation as it came towards them, scouring the air in the distance as it flew towards them and scaled over their heads breathing fire, "It's a bloody dragon!"

The dragon settled upon the top of the mast as the archers aimed and fired.

"What's it doing?!" Lucy screamed as the ship fell swayed from the dragon's weight.

The dragon fell from the mast, almost falling into the water as it flew and breathed fire flying towards the island. Anna couldn't believe her eyes when it had Edmund within its clawry grasp.

"Edmund!" Lucy screamed.

A group of them eventually returned to the shore. Anna peered at the Eustace-dragon with a gaze of disbelief. An actual living and breathing dragon.

"He must have been tempted by the treasure," Edmund confessed with a knowing gaze at his cousin.

Eustace lifted his claw to reveal a golden bangle-like bracelet and Anna's brows knitted together as she peiced it together —— that the bracelet had turned the boy into a dragon.

"Anyone knows a dragon's treasure is enchanted," Caspian informed and from the looks he received from Eustace and Anna he added, "Well, anyone from here."

Lucy took a step forwards, bounding towards her cousin and removed the golden bracelet as Eustace-dragon wailed in pain.

"Is there any way to change him back?" Edmund asked desperately.

"Not that I know of," Caspian admitted turning towards Drinian who seemed to hold a saddened expression, which was strange because the Captain rarely showed much emotion.

"Aunt Alberta will not be pleased," Edmund confessed to no one in particular.

"Dragons are wonderful Eustace," Anna told the boy or well dragon in a chirpy voice, "You can fly and breathe fire. What more could you want in life?" Her comment only seemed to make it worse as Eustace slammed his claw down upon the grainy and pebbly sand.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐀 ── CASPIAN XKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat