Chapter 24: Amazement

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"Jake what are you-"

"Well Colton just took off again" 

He exclaims cutting off Kacia's question. His eyes going to the man in question. Colton doesn't say anything as he continues to hold onto Belle. Tara steps back and walks over to her sister. Jake following close behind her. She stops as the blonde gently holds out her arm. Tara's hand lifting up to run from her shoulder down to her forearm. A light illuminating from her palm as a sigh of relief escapes Belle. 

"I still can't believe it"

Jake says lowly as Belle lifts her shoulder and arm twisting it, testing it. Two weeks ago is when he really got to see what the Roman sisters were made of. He went home feeling like he had watched an action pack movie. Finding out what Tara truly was and what she could do, he says she is the most incredible woman he has ever met. She teleported him and he got sick. He remembers Grace bringing him a glass of water and patting his back sympathetically. 

"Ready to go again?" Grace ask. 

Belle nods her head as she steps away from Colton. He reluctantly drops his arms from her. He hates this. He hates that she feels the need to prove herself. He already is proud of his mate. He doesn't see the need to continue this training. He watches as she jogs off into the woods. Tara giving him a hug before stepping back to her mom. Grace gives one nod before a white light illuminates and instantly Grace and Tara dissipate. 

"Are we going to watch them?"

Colton nods his head as his instincts lead him towards Belle. Jake following in tow. The boys go further to find Belle with her eyes closed. No one is near her but they can sense Kacia near by. They both don't move any further and just watch. A moment goes by before they see a beautiful brown fur begin running out from the lining of the trees. Colton stands rigid watching. Right before getting to her, Belle turns and slides her hands to the side. The air shifting causing a gust of wind to push Kacia off course and to land with a loud thud. The same time a whip of black zips in and Belle lifts her hands up causing the earth to lift like the wall they have seen multiple times. Nessa's body goes through it while Kacia gets back up ready to attack again. Belle's hands shooting up with her palms wide open. The ground has roots shoot out wrapping around Kacia's legs. The wolf growls as Belle closes her palms and the vines tighten around her making Kacia thrash trying to get free. 


Belle turns again to her mother's voice but this time feels Nessa begins charging. Her arms shooting out in a halting motion. Nessa goes flying back as the wind throws her backwards. Colton watches on amazed before feeling a nudge to his shoulder. Turning Colton watches as Jake wiggles his eyebrows before running over to the girls. A loud scoff escaping Colton as Belle turns to him. He stops and lowers himself. All the girls look to him. Tara and Grace look on amused, Nessa and Kacia rolling their eyes as Belle looks to her mom for help. Colton glances and sees Grace just shake her head showing she isn't going to intervene. 

"Jake are you-"

"Show me Belle"

Belle lowers herself ready for an attack. Jake smirks and charges. Belle closes her eyes as she lifts her body off the ground. Jake's smirk disappearing as he falls forward and practically eats the grown. He turns over to find Belle slowly lowering her body back down. 

"That's cheating"

Everyone laughs loudly at his expense. He sighs flopping his arms out like a starfish. A pair of big brown eyes coming into his vision. She leans down offering her hand. He smiles gently at the angel before him. He takes it and can't help but chuckle as she struggles to help him up. His arms instantly going to hug her as he finally gets to his feet. Three sisters giving him the death glares over he shoulder. He can't help but grin at them. He knows how much the sisters hate how close Tara has come to him. He has a soft spot for her and she seems to care greatly about him as well. 

"Come on everyone. Time for dinner!"

Everyone turns and begins walking away while Belle walks over to Colton. His arms wrapping around her waist securely. He makes Belle walk slowly giving a fair distant between them and the group before turning to her and capturing her lips. Belle moans into his lips making his grip tighten around her. Her legs instinctively going to wrap around his waist. His hands finding their place on the backside of her thighs before gliding to cup her voluptuous butt. Her lips continuing to dance against his own while her fingers threaded into his hair. A groan escaping him as she gently scraped her nails in his scalp. His lips leaving hers as the trace to where his claim proudly is showcased. His teeth grazing it causing a shiver to course through Belle. His teeth elongating before he bites down earning a loud moan from her. His wolf clawing to come forth to finish the mate cycle. 


Her breathless voice not helping in his control. He closes his eyes and release his teeth from her neck. Both their chests heaving rapidly. He rest his forehead on her shoulder as he continues to walk her towards the house. Both trying to collect themselves while Colton continues to carry her. Belle has come to realize that Colton loves carry her so she no longer fights him on it. 

Arriving at the home, he sets her down helping her pull down her shirt and straightening themselves out before stepping in the house. Unlike the normal, they walk in to hear the house in deafening silence. Colton instantly going on the defense as they slowly walk in. Belle taking his hand as they come to see why it was so quiet. 

Stepping to the living room. They find Grace sitting with a man Belle has only met once. Colton however is confused on whom he is and where everyone else went. Grace gives a tight lip smile as they step into the living room. 

"Jezabelle, Colton... This is Thaddeus Steele"

The man stands up turning to the newcomers. Colton still feels completely lost. Belle's rigid form however doesn't go unnoticed by him. The man reaches out to shake his hand which he takes before reaching for Belle. Her hand coming out reluctantly. She speaks answering his unmasked question. 

"He is head of the local Coven"

Colton's eyes widen slightly realizing this is the man that tortured her. His body instantly going into attack mode. He takes a step but Belle's arms encircle him stopping him from charging forward. The man watches as the witch calms down the werewolf. 

"You were the one that attacked my mate!"

"Colton stop" Belle says softly into his ear. 

His breathing still heavy but he is not pulling away from her. Thaddeus then looks to the young woman and finds a marking on her neck. His heart accelerating. It is true! A witch has been mated to a werewolf. 

"You carry his claim?"

"Yes Mr. Steele" Belle says softly. 

Thaddeus turns to Grace who looks to them with adoring eyes. His eyes turning back to the pair as he watches the young man's eye flicker between the yellow and green color. It is clear he wants to attack however Jezabelle's touch is softening him. 

"It has not been heard of for a wolf to be mated to a witch." He says questionably glancing to Colton. 

"Tell us something we don't know"

He glances to Grace whose eyes look to him confused. His eyes lingering on her temporarily before turning back to the young couple. 

"Alright, I am here tonight to inform you that Charles Wright is planning an attack against you."

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