Chapter 8: The snakes shed their skin

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A tall dark-skinned witch walked over to them, she had brown eyes shining with determination and dark hair that was pulled back into a braid and wore the Gryffindor uniform. "Hey, Harry have a good summer?"

"Uhhh yeah it was...fine." He hesitated slightly hoping no one would notice.

"Good, well I have good news for you, I've been made the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team." She stood proudly and Harry broke out into a genuine grin of happiness.

"Really?! That's great Angelina!"

"I came to tell you that we'll be holding tryouts for keeper on Friday, I hope to see you there." She walked off as Harry nodded and turned back to finish off his meal.

"How long are the summer holidays here in the UK?" Reyna set down her finished mug of coffee and tidied up her plate, the only one left eating was Leo who would keep nicking a random breakfast item to feast on.

"We have 6 weeks."

Leo choked on the hash brown he was eating, Jason smacked his back as the Stolls laughed at his misfortune. "Really? We have 11 weeks back in America." Connor's eyebrows were raised, playing with a fork in his hand.

"I don't quite think I can imagine having that short of a summer, that's barely any time at all." Travis picked up a knife to start a mini sword fight with Connor's fork, Clarisse rolled her eyes at the two, twirling a dagger in her hand.

McGonagall walked over to the Gryffindor table with a stack of papers in her hands that she hands off to students as she moves along the length of the table, eventually she reaches where the half-bloods and the Golden Trio were sitting.

"I trust that you all slept well in your accommodations your Majesties?"

"Quite well thanks Professor, we feel right at home with letting us all room with each other." Katie smiled politely at McGonagall who nodded her head in understanding.

"Didn't stop you from snoring loudly last night though," Travis muttered from behind his hand, Katie blushed scarlet and turned to glare at the son of Hermes.

Connor snorted and looked at his brother mischievously. "Does she snore louder than Chris?"

"Absolutely!" A glint shone in their eyes as Katie protested.

"Chris doesn't snore." Clarisse glowered at the two brothers.

"You're only saying that because he's your boyfriend."

"Wanna say that again? My knife might be quite cosy up your-" Annabeth coughed and sent a pointed look at Clarisse who sat back down and huffed with crossed arms, Travis stuck his tongue out at her.

"Here are your schedules, if there are any problems with the, don't hesitate to go to your head of years to discuss any changes." Professor McGonagall handed the last of them out and headed for the doors of the Great Hall, presumedly to set her classroom up for her first lesson.

"So you have your own dorm? And to sleep with your betrothed in the same room? Alone?" Hermione crinkled her eyes in confusion.

"Yup, I wouldn't exactly want to room with people I don't know for a year," Thalia explained.

"But that's the whole point, it helps to build friendships." She protested.

"Wouldn't matter if we wanted to, our parents wouldn't have it, they don't want to risk anything happening to us." Percy scowled slightly at his own words.

"We should get to our first lesson now, we wouldn't leave a good impression for our teachers if we were late." Jason cut off another question that Hermione was going to ask as he rose up from the table to look at his schedule. "Wow, they actually wrote it in Latin, I have Defence Against the Dark Arts first, anyone else has that with me?" Jason mumbled the first part to himself.

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