Chapter Six

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Eliza leads the group to Magnus' door, knocking on it. Magnus opens the door as Luke groans "What happened?" Magnus asks. "He was attacked!" Simon tells him. "He needs a warlock. He needs you." Clary adds. "Put him here." Magnus says as they walk in. "I'll go to Opal. If she wakes up we don't want her seeing him like this." Eliza tells Magnus. "Thank you Eliza." he smiles, Eliza nodding and walking into Opal's room. Seeing her sleeping she smiles and sits in the chair by the door, slowly falling asleep herself.

Eliza wakes up to Opal jumping onto her lap "Li Li." Opal smiles. "Hey Opal." Eliza smiles ruffling the toddler's hair. "Lot of noise." Opal says pointing to her door. Eliza nods "Okay can you stay here until I come and get you?" Eliza asks. Opal nods and runs over to her toys, Eliza smiling and walking out the door to the others. Getting to the main room, Eliza sees Alec rush through the front door. He runs over to Magnus and crouches by him "I need your strength." Magnus tells him. "Take what you need." Alec responds, letting Magnus hold his hand. Eliza walks back into Opal's room "Hey Sweetie. Magnus is just helping someone with a big spell. They be finished soon." she tells the toddler, Opal nodding and motioning to be picked up. Smiling, Eliza lifts her into her arms "How about we play with some of your toys and when Magnus is finished, we can get some food?" Eliza asks her. Opal nods and they sit down with some of the toys in the room, Opal sitting on Eliza's lap as they do.

After a little while Magnus walks into the room, Opal smiling and running over to him "Magnus!" she shouts. Magnus chuckles and lifts her into his arms "You been good for Eliza?" he asks. "Uh huh. We been playing with toys. Li Li said we going to get food." Opal tells him. Magnus chuckles "Well let's go get some food. Alexander is still here as well." Magnus says, directing the last bit to Eliza who nods. Opal jumps down and takes Eliza's hand "Come Li Li. I know where cupcakes." she smiles. "Okay but only one, then you need to get some more sleep." Eliza smiles, Opal nodding and leading Eliza out to the living room.

After eating a cupcake each, Opal looks at the last one "Give Alec?" she asks. "Okay, let's go give it to Alec." Eliza smiles, picking the toddler up. "You know I have magic for that, right?" Magnus tells Alec as they walk in to find him tidying up. "I think you've exerted yourself enough for one day." Alec tells him. "Opal has something for you." Eliza smiles. Opal gives Alec a small smile and holds out the cupcake to him "Is this for me?" Alec asks. Opal nods as Alec takes it from her "Thank you Opal." he smiles. "Okay, let's get you to bed." Eliza tells the toddler, Opal nodding and giving a small yawn in response. Alec looks at his sister "I should warn you, Dad's at the Institute." he tells her. Eliza freezes but nods before taking Opal to her room, tucking her into bed "You stay?" Opal asks. "Okay, I'll stay." she smiles, climbing in next to the toddler.

The next morning Eliza wakes up to Alec gently shaking her shoulder "Come on we have to get back to the Institute." he tells her. Sighing Eliza sits up and notices Opal still sleeping, quietly she gets up and follows Alec out to the main living area where Magnus is sat "Tell Opal I'll be back soon." she tells him. Magnus smiles and gives Eliza a hug "You're welcome round here any time." he tells her. Eliza smiles and hugs Magnus back before leaving with Alec.

"Slept at Magnus' place?" Izzy asks as Eliza and Alec get back to the Institute. "Didn't do much sleeping. I was helping treat Luke's wounds." Alec explains. Eliza smiles and turns to Izzy "I'm going to get changed. Come get me if anything happens." she tells her siblings, walking off and flopping onto her bed straight away. She hears a knock on the door so stands up and gets it "Hi Mum, Dad." she greets, letting Maryse and Robert into her room. "Where were you last night?" Maryse asks. "I went with Alec to sort something. I fell asleep there and we've just got back." Eliza explains keeping it vague. "I need you to keep your head down. Since Clary arrived everything has changed and not for the better." Robert tells her. "Dad, I... I'll do better." Eliza trails off looking down. "You better the Lightwood name is at stake. Even though you aren't a real Lightwood, you still represent the family." Robert tells her. "I'm sorry." Eliza says quietly. Maryse nods and walks out the room with Robert following, leaving Eliza to change.

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