Chapter Eight

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Alec and Izzy sit in the hospital wing of the institute watching as Eliza groans at Robert as tries to heal her arm which has a large cut running down it "Don't squirm." Robert tells her. "I'm not. It doesn't even hurt that much." she mumbles. Just then her phone starts ringing making her sigh and get it out her pocket to see that it's Jace calling "No talking... just healing." Izzy tells her taking the phone from her and walking out. Robert moves and wraps Eliza's arm "There done, be more careful in future." he tells her before leaving. "And that's as close as I'm going to get." she mumbles. Alec sighs and hugs her "I'm glad you're okay." he tells her. Eliza smiles and leans into her brother's embrace "Come on Magnus should be here in a minute to make the wards stronger." she tells him.

Eliza and Alec stand with their father as Magnus boosts the wards "Are the wards solid now? Nothing will get through?" Robert asks. "Even my magic has limits. The wards won't hold off that Forsaken attack. But my protections will slow them down." Magnus responds. "Extra time is priceless." Robert nods. "No... say that after you get my bill." Magnus tells him. "Lydia will take care of that." Robert says before leaving. "A Forsaken wound often needs a little warlock TLC. May I? Uh, free of charge." Magnus asks Eliza making her nod. Magnus' hands glow slightly "There should be healed in half the time." he tells her. "Thanks Magnus. I'm going to change, I'll see you later Alec." Eliza says, winking at Magnus before leaving.

Eliza sits in her room when there's a knock on the door "Come in

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Eliza sits in her room when there's a knock on the door "Come in." she calls. "Hey, you alright?" Jace asks walking in. "Yeah, barely hurts. Magnus added some magic healing so it'll be healed in half the time." Eliza responds as Jace hugs her. "You know wee Alec and Izzy are? I need to tell you three something at the same time." he asks. "Let's try the training room." Eliza suggests. The two of them walk to the training room to find Izzy talking to Alec "I just spoke to Robert and Maryse. They're being sent back to Idris." Jace says as they walk in. "What?" Izzy asks. "Yeah." Jace nods. "Another order from Lydia?" Isabelle asks. "Who's Lydia?" Jace asks. "She's in charge of the Institute." Eliza responds. "She's what?" Jace questions. "Temporarily." Alec adds. "And now she's convinced the Clave that Mom and Dad aren't doing their job?" Iszy asks. "Well, maybe they aren't. The Institute was under their control when the Forsaken got in." Alec responds. "What are you talking about?" Jace asks. "Mom and Dad were members of the Circle." Eliza explains. "What? They don't have Circle runes." Izzy points out. "That's because they made a deal with the Clave prior to the Uprising. In exchange for their cooperation, they were pardoned." Alec tells her. "You're questioning their loyalty?" Izzy asks. "Valentine is back. The Circle is rising. They're under suspicion." Alec explains. "No way. Robert and Maryse took me in. They raised me as one of their own. I know what kind of people they are." Jace shakes his head. Eliza bites her lip not knowing what to believe. "Are you sure? They lied to us. For years, they've been telling us how to act. That we have to uphold the Lightwood name. Well, they're the ones who tarnished it. They're hypocrites." Alec retorts.

Just then Lydia walks in "You must be Jace Wayland. Lydia Branwell. You're quite the legend back in Idris." she smiles putting her hand out to Jace who doesn't take it. "Don't believe everything you hear." he tells her, looking at Alec. "Did you tell them?" Lydia asks Alec. "Tell us what?" Eliza asks. "Lydia and I are engaged." Alec his siblings. "We're getting married." Lydia smiles. "What?" Eliza asks. "You're not serious." Jace adds. "You were supposed to tell them no. It's your life to ruin." Izzy adds before leaving. "Not sure what to say." Jace says. "How about, None of this matters? We have to stop Valentine." Alec suggests. "Finally. Something we agree on." Jace says before he and Eliza also leave. Eliza frowns as she walks with Jace "What's wrong?" he asks. "Just thinking about everything. The last few days have been... hectic to say the least." Eliza tells him. "You're telling me." Jace smiles.

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