You take the other one and have a small sip of the drink as well. It's cold and super chocolatey, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

"That's so good!" Charlie says, her bright smile somehow managing to become even bigger.

"Dave makes the best shakes in town, that's for damn sure." you reply, before taking another sip.

Charlie continues to drink from her straw, and you do the same, with her eyes eventually meeting your own. She giggles, before giving you a loving expression. Her eyelids lower a bit, and she puts a hand to her cheek, with an adorable little smile appearing on her lips.

"You're so cute!" you say with a giggle, before attempting to return the expression back to her, making her laugh.

"You're not so bad yourself." she says, placing her hand back on the table.

"I'm glad to hear it." you reply, lovingly placing your hand on top of her own. You can see her cheeks begin to become flustered, but her eyes remain firmly on you.

You gently use your other hand to push the milkshake off to the side of the table, as you and Charlie begin to lean in closer, slowly closing the distance between each other's lips.

Just before your passionate kiss could begin, you hear the door behind you suddenly swing open with great force.

"Hey Charlie, you here!?" the familiar voice of Angel Dust asks.

She groans and rolls her eyes in annoyance, before leaning back in her seat. You do the same as she replies "Yeah Angel, what's up?"

He sprints over to your booth and is panting heavily. "Guys... I'm not trying to cock-block you or anything. This is actually really serious!"

"Why? What's going on?" she asks, with concern beginning to fill her voice.

"It's Lucifer!" he yells. "He's coming to the hotel!"

Her eyes widen in shock. "Oh no..."


You all scramble into the limousine waiting outside the entrance to the ice cream parlor. Vaggie is already inside the car, presumably waiting for you.

Once everyone is inside the limo, Angel slams the door closed. Vaggie knocks on the window separating you all from the driver.

It rolls down slightly, and she yells "Take us back to the hotel, and step on it!"

"You got it." he replies, before the window closes again. The limo then begins speeding its way back to the hotel.

Charlie sinks back in her seat, a blank expression on her face as her mind is clearly racing with countless unanswerable questions.

"Dad's... visiting the hotel? Why?"

"No idea." Angel replies. "I saw him earlier today, and we just hung out for a little bit. I brought up how well the hotel was doing, and-"

"You did WHAT!?" Vaggie screams.

"We were just talking, I didn't think it was a big deal or anything." he says with a shrug.

"It's a pretty big fucking deal, Angel. He's never even seen what it looks like!"

"Look Vaggie, the last thing I expected him to say was that he wanted to come over."

"Did he say what time he was gonna show up?" Charlie asks.

"Nope. He only said, and I quote: 'I'd just love to see how my darling daughter's little business enterprise is coming along!'. That's it."

The Surprise Visitor - Charlie Magne x Male ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat