Ch. 2 [ Encounter ]

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"Hold on to me."


Chuuya rolled his eyes. "C'mere and hold onto my arm so we can go through the opening I saw on the top of the roof dumbass!!"

"Right!" Dazai piped. But Chuuya was unable to tell if it was out of embarrassment or in a mocking kind of way, so he just rolled his eyes.

Dazai latched onto Chuuya's arm and they floated on top of the roof to the warehouse.

"There." Dazai said. Through the window two men stood with guns guarding a cargo, whist another two men take items out and take turns loading them into a truck outside.

"Easy targets. These guys are just idiots with guns. Should be just as simple as the last time...wait..didn't you say there was a gifted?? These dudes look like normal morons to me!!" Chuuya said kinda disappointed.

"Well yes, there is a gifted. Though the men you see right here, are just low ranked soldiers from their organization"

"Tch. Whatever, if the gifted comes out, nothing we can't handle, I'll probably be able to just crush him with my ability anyway. "

Chuuya pulled up his hood, positioned his hat and shoved his hands in his pockets and had his feet turned to bounce off the frame of the window they were looking through to spot the GSS soldiers.
"Well? What are we waiting for? LET'S KICK THEIR ASSES!!!"

Before Dazai knew it Chuuya took off barreling full speed towards the soldiers.

"Wait! Chuuya we need a plan! Remember what happened last time when you rushed in, with Rimbaud?!" Dazai yelled.

But Chuuya didn't hear him.


Chuuya's obvious directed his yelling towards them because it caused a turn of heads.

"It's Nakahara Chuuya, Sheep turned traitor! Fire!!!!!"

"Whaaaaaaat...?" Chuuya said with a look of disgust on his face.


A crimson liquid ran down Chuuya's face. So much so it dripped to the corner of his mouth he even got a taste of the red iron. He got grazed by a bullet.

" we're talking!!"

Another round of bullets projected their way towards Chuuya but he dodged every single one of them.

"Wanna get a taste of gravity AND iron?" Chuuya said with a smirk staring into the scared lifeless eyes of the soldier.


With a kick of his leg he manipulated one of the bullets that was shot at him before to bounce off of him into the man in front of him chest.

"So.." Chuuya said floating down to the ground. "Would ya like to be next? You can get the feet or the bullet your choice. But I'll tell you now, neither of them are gonna have pretty results." Chuuya said with a slight chuckle"

The GSS soldier stood in fear. Completely frozen by the 15 year old kid who stood in front of his petrified body. He cautiously picked up his gun and aimed it at Chuuya. Chuuya went wide eyed, and then expression turned into a smirk.

"Hmfph. So you chose gun huh? Can't promise you this will be painless but-"

There was a small click. A click from the guns revolver.

"Sigh..guess we're gonna have to make this difficult.."

Chuuya took a step forward directly placing his forehead on the gun.

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