'Meet at the Times Square subway station at two? We can pretend to be tourists for the day.'

She loved that idea. When they moved to the city, they visited a handful of the usual places: The Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island. But like most folks, work and everyday life consumed their time and the sight-seeing stopped.

'Are we role playing?' she inquired. 'I can pick up some I <3 NY T-Shirts on the way over...'

'No. Let's call it a first date and dress for that.' Callie chuckled as she read the last part of his message. 'And for the record, no-one taught me to kiss that way.'

Her thumbs flew across the screen. 'Naturally gifted, practice makes perfect or one of many hidden talents?'

'Yes. And you ain't seen nothin yet. Gotta go. See you at 2.'

Coffee in hand and still wearing a goofy grin, Callie checked the time as she headed to her workshop to fill in a few hours before she got ready for their date. 

That it was a date with Oscar should have felt strange, but didn't. She was both nervous and excited, her usual responses to the prospect of a date with a guy she really liked.

Half an hour later, and without much progress made on the commissioned chandelier, she started to wonder why it didn't feel strange or weird or at least a little bit scary. There were no guarantees they could make the transition from besties to girlfriend and boyfriend without a few hiccups along the way.

On the plus side, there was the oft mentioned friendship foundation to build on. She'd never had that with anyone she dated before, most likely because she hadn't needed it while she had Oscar. She already loved him, she'd never questioned that, it was just there. But being in love was different and what if it never happened? What if she couldn't fall in love with him? 

People said, with the right person, given time, love could grow. But the only way it could develop into the something more she so desperately needed was by adding the missing ingredient to their relationship. The one thing she'd been convinced would never happen. 

 She'd have to get naked with him.

Did one knock-her-socks-off kiss automatically mean they would be good together in bed? She'd never reacted to a man the way she reacted to him, but she had enough experience to know physical attraction wasn't a guarantee. What if they weren't compatible? What if it was awkward and unsatisfying or he was into something kinky which proved a step too far for her? 

She doubted the latter, but even if it was the best sex she'd ever had, it didn't mean they could live together 24/7.

Oscar was super organized. Callie lived in chaos. He worked nine-to-five, Monday to Friday. She often worked for as long as she could keep her eyes open or until she ran out of food. What if he got upset she couldn't spend more time with him? What if he wanted the kind of wife who had supper waiting on the table every night and baked pies the way his mother made them? And if they had kids would their views on parenting be similar or would they argue day and night about –

What was she doing? They hadn't even been on a first date and she was already worrying about the rest of their lives? Maybe she was more freaked out by the fact it was Oscar than she thought. 

Time for a voice of reason.

"A & M Designs, Avery Buchanan speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hey," Callie said. "You busy?"

"No, I'm just tinkering with a new design. I might have a spot for one of your gorgeous mirrors. I'll send you the sketches when I'm done."

Callie nodded. Avery gave her the break she needed when she was making lamps and mirrors as a hobby and worked three part-time jobs to pay the rent. She'd featured a piece in one of her company's interiors which was photographed for their website and when it went online, Callie received a steady flow of commissions. It was a debt she'd tried to repay as her little business grew, offering Avery a percentage of everything she sold thanks to the free advertising. But her friend refused and said the debts which mattered weren't supposed to be repaid.

Only Oscar (Wattys 2022 Shortlist!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora