Dally smirked and leaned closer so that he could hear him without shouting to the whole house. 

"You know what we are here for. Do you have anyone else to back us up?" 

Tim's eyes twinkled in what looked to be excitement to be roughing some people up, "I may have a sister," he replied. 

"A sister?" Dally did not mean to be one of those people but he wasn't sure a pretty and gentle broad could hold herself in a fight, and last thing Dally needed was to save a damsel in distress, "thanks but no thanks, keep the princess." 

Tim arched a single eyebrow and smiled once more his yellow and broken teeth shining through his lips, "who said anything about a princess?" 


"This is Fish," Tim gestured to a tough looking girl who rounded the corner.

Fish's hair was short, blonde, and messy like she had just been wrestling with someone

. She wore jeans unlike most girls did, and a baggy white T-shirt. What was most noticeable was her gothy makeup, and long scars that were no doubt from a switchblade that stood out like a sore thumb. 

Fish was rather tall. Taller than the average for girls. Soda looked down to see if her shoes made her taller only to see beat up converse that looked like she tied to the back of a pickup truck and drove around with them behind the car.

Although she looked tough as nails, she had a pretty face in a sort of intimidating way that made Soda cowar slightly and Dally drool.

"what are you looking at?" Fish growled. She dropped a stick from begween her fingers and put it out with her heel in the carpet. 

Soda's jaw dropped a little when he saw the look of shock on Dally's face.

"Gee Tim," Dally shook his shock off with a laugh, "it sure does run in the family, man."

"Nice to meet you, fish," Sodapop smiled trying to hide his nerves. He reached a hand out to shake "thank you for helping us.

Fish only raised an eyebrow, her face showing no emotion. "I dont do handshakes," she replied crossing her arms over her chest, looking down at Soda from under her nose,"no offense but, this isn't really for you, its more for your brother." She spat, placing her hands in her jean pockets and leaning against the wall behind her. 

"Then What's your price, lady," Dally remarked awfully disrespectful. 

Fish shot him a look that could kill. He could practically see the daggers in her eyes, but she calmed down just moments after. 

Dally had to admit, but he was a bit embarrassed a chick could make him feel so anxious. 

"I'll watch him, free of charge," Fish said, "only if the second they are dangerous you report them to the fuzz. Im not ending up in jail again over a middle school disagreement."

"Really? That's it?" Soda asked sort of amazed. Tim's crowd often expects something in return whether it be your loyalty or the promise to help when they need your assistance. 

"Yeah," she got closer to the boys, nearly towering over Soda. He couldn't help but notice the evil glint in her eyes and decided right then he wouldn't underestimate her, "I really don't like bullies." 

Fish shot Dally a quick look to see what he was thinking. Dallas smirked thinking of a pretty blonde, tough and getting into trouble; but Dally caught Soda's glare and lost the expression for his sake.

"Deal Blondie," Dally slured, he held his hand out for a formal shake but she only glared and shoved past him. Tim followed Fish down the street murmuring a goodbye and a promise to show up as they left.

"Gee, she sure doesn't disappoint,"Dally sighed dreamily. 

"I bet she eats rocks and nails for breakfast," Soda responded, hiding his laugh. Now she was gone he felt less nervous. He wondered how girls like her ended up in this sort of crowd. She was pretty enough to be any soc girl. 

Soda shook his head. trying to clear his mind of his racing thoughts. Nothing else was important right now except one thing;

He was going to get his baby brother back.

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