63.| Finally In My Arms

Start from the beginning

"Okay. Be safe."


"Let's go man. Yuqi found her location." I announced, along with grabbing my jacket. Xukun quickly got up from his seat and grabbed the car keys.

As Xukun was driving, while I made some calls to notify some of my bodyguards to head towards the destination. 

"So what's the plan?" Xukun asked as he got onto the highway. I bit my bottom lip and sighed harshly.

"Still thinking." 

"Yibin. That's not good enough. We can't just barge in and do whatever we want. And I'm sure as hell, WE!" He pointed his finger back and forth, from him and back to me. "Are not gonna do shit with just our bare hands."

I rolled my eyes at him and his nagging. "Fine... what do you suggest we do?"

"Well, for starters, we find this hidden mansion. Then, we inform our backup, pray to god that they don't have more people than we do. And lastly, let's wait for the officials to show up too."

"Wait, you want the police to show up now?" I gawked at him. Xukun continues to look straight ahead. 

"Well? Answer me."


"Xukun, we never involve the police, we don't need them to be involved. Do you know how much this will affect our families?!" I questioned in concern.

"Yibin! If we don't, Yuejia might get taken away again, and I can't assure you that we'll be able to find her again."

I fell back into my seat as his words began to echo in my ear. 

"Yuejia might get taken away again, and I can't assure you that we'll be able to find her again."

He's right... she is currently nation-wide known as the Wang's future daughter-in-law. If anything, they would blame us, and take her out of the country... I can't let that happen.

"Your right... "

"Course I am, the fuck?" Xukun jokes. 


Once we arrived, we parked a fair distance away. At first we thought Ziyi was keeping Yuejia in an old abandoned mansion, but it turns out it's newly renovated. 

"Alright... I just a next from my men. They are also here." I announced. 

Xukun nodded along. "Mine too."

"K, should we storm in now? Or we wait for the officials?" I asked while continue to analyze the whole entire building, hoping to see a way in that won't be really hard to get in.

"We should wait- wait, wait. Look! It's Wang Ziyi!" Xukun quicklys points. 

We both saw him leaving the place, followed by Yuejia. At that moment, we knew we had to move now. Whether the police are here or not, we needed get Yuejia out of his hands.

Xukun didn't even speak a word to each other but both understood the situation and texted to our men to get ready.

"Alright, let's go." I mumbled before opened the door and running towards Ziyi. 

He caught a glimpse of me and his eyes widen instantly. 

"IT'S ZHENG YIBIN! GET YUEJIA BACK INSIDE AND GUARD HER AT ALL COST!" He yells at the top of his lungs. At least 10 of his men grabbed Yuejia and pushed back inside.

"YIBIN?! YIBIN SAVE ME!" Yuejia screamed when finding out I was here, she was quickly taken back inside the house.

I began to feel my blood boil. Though I was only to see her for a split second, she looks pale and tired.

"Wang Ziyi! Let Yuejia go! She doesn't deserve someone like you!" I yelled while he both fought. 

He pulled my collar tightly and smirked. "You don't have the right's to tell me what is right and what is wrong- Argh... Cai Xukun?!" At that moment, Xukun came and punched Ziyi in the jaw, allowing him to let me go. I looked over to Xukun and nodded once at him. 

"Go... Go get Yuejia, I'll take care of Ziyi." Xukun tells me.

I quickly dashed off into the house and looked around the moment I stepped foot inside.

There's too many rooms... which one would she be in? Damn it...

Then, I heard screams and banging against the wall. I knew that had to be her. 

I ran up the stairs and kicked down the door, finding her being protected by 2 others. My heart sunk... she's lost so much weight.

"I won't say this twice. Leave quietly, and no one gets hurt."

"Heh. We don't take orders from the Zheng family." One of them said back. 

Which then I realized they aren't going to back down. I approached them and fought. I fought hard for her. Because I knew this was our only chance. 

When finally, I punched the last guy, and as he fell down. I looked over to Yuejia and sighed. As if the huge weight was take away. 


I opened my arms wide, even with a bloody nose, I need to hold her. 

She ran into my arms. Embracing me tightly. She began to cry softly. I stumbled back a bit, but managed to not fall over. Being able to feel her again. I was beyond happy.

I used the remaining strength I had left in me to lift her up and carried Yuejia in my arms. 

"Shhhhh. Stop crying. Your safe now. Hm?" I said softly, trying to calm her down.

"I can't... I can't believe your here. I've- I've missed you so much." She stutters. 

Looking down at her, she snuggled up close to me. She looked so delicate, like if I held her too tight, she would snap in half. 

The jerk... Wang Ziyi. I will not forgive you.

"Yuejia. Promise me? Don't ever leave me again. I can't handle the thought of not knowing where you are." I begged as I felt tears run down my face. 

Yuejia probably heard how broken my voice sounded that she lifted her head up to face me. She reached out and wiped the tears from my cheeks away with her thumb. 

"I promise, okay? I won't leave. I love you, Yibin..."






Hello Jennings!!!

How have you guys been?

I really do hope this chapter makes you guys happy!! Because finally, after so long she's safely in his arms again.

Thank you for reading!!



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