Wolf Moon

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"Stella! Wake up it's the first day of school." Allison Argent banged on her sister's bedroom door.

Not getting any answer Allison gave up and walked downstairs. Reaching down she noticed Stella already in the kitchen having breakfast.

"Stella!" Allison cried out. "Why didn't you say anything about you being awake. I was knocking on your bedroom door for so long."

"Oh, it's fun hearing you try to wake me up all frustrated." Stella said while smiling.

"Stella it's our first day of school and we are already getting late." Allison said panicking.

"Calm down Allie. It's the first day which makes us new students which means that we can go as late as we want." Stella said and went back to her food.

"I just want to make a good first impression." Allison said sitting next to her.

"Why do you need to make a first impression when you know we're going to move again." Stella said while putting the bowl in the sink.

"I have a feeling that this will be our last stop." Allison said.

"Right... Knowing dad we will have to move cause of his job." She said while rolling her eyes.

"Come on we don't want to be more late." Allison said walking out of the house while Stella followed behind her.


"See I told you we won't be late. The principal is not even here yet." Stella said taking a sit on the bench.

"I know... I'm just nervous that's all." She said.

"Nervous? Allison this is like the hundredth time we are changing schools. By now you should get used to it." Stella said.

Allison was going to answer her but her phone rang cutting her off.

"Mom, three calls on our first day is a little overdoing it. Everything except a pen. Oh, my God, I didn't actually forget a pen. Okay, okay. I gotta go. Love ya." Allison said hanging up.

"Stella did you carry an extra pen with you?" Allison asked her sister.

"Do you think I would carry anything on my first day." Stella said raising her eyebrows.

"Then why do you have that big ass bag with you?" Allison questions.

"I'm glad you asked." She said opening her bag. "Let's see... I have chocolates, three cans of soda, lollipops, some licorice, uhm oh I also have some packets of chips." She said.

"Why the hell do you have all these snacks with you?" She asked.

"So I don't have to eat cafeteria food." She answers.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting. So you guys were saying San Francisco isn't where you guys grew up?" The principal asked while walking towards the entrance of the school.

"No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual for our family." Allison said.

"Will, hopefully Beacon Hills will be your last stop for a while." He said.

"Doubt it." Stella whispered making Allison hit her on her sides.

Glaring at Allison they entered the classroom.

"Class, these are our new students, Allison and Stella Argent. Please do your best to make them feel welcome." He said and walked out of the classroom.

Walking to their seats Allison sat behind a boy with shaggy hair and Stella sat behind a boy with buzz cut.

Stella looked a her sister going to say something when she noticed the guy in front of her turn and hand her a pen. Noticing her sister looking at her Allison turned to her with raised eyebrows.

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