Bloopers (Season 1)

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Victoria Justice as Stella Argent

Okay so I decided not to go with the bloopers from the show but make my own!

"And action!"

Victoria/stella looked at Tyler H/ Derek and smiled "you look like someone I'd very much want to kill!"

"You want to kill me?" Tyler H/Derek said shocked.

They looked each other and laughed.

Tyler P/ Scott was talking to Victoria/Stella and Crystal/ Allison. He removed a bar of chocolate and handed it to Victoria/ Stella. "Why is it half eaten?"

"I got really hungry!" Tyler P/ Scott said.

They all laughed.

Dylan/ stile and Victoria/ Stella were talking with each other.

"Stiles how would I know. Do I look like I'm gay to you?" Victoria/ Stella asked.

"Well obviously not cause your so into derek" Dylan/stiles said making a kissing sound.

"Oh god" Victoria/ Stella laughed. "Dealing with children wasn't in my contract Jeff!"

They all laughed.

"Well, Well. Look who's here." Ian/Peter said walking closer to Victoria/Stella.

"You owe me a dagger." Victoria/Stella said not backing away.

"You owe me a dagger." Ian/ Peter mimicked.

"Hey I do not sound like that!" Victoria/ stella laughed.

In the car Jacson/ Colton and Lydia/Holland  were fighting about the movies to watch. "Let's watch Avengers instead." Victoria/Stella said before Colton/Jackson would blow up.

"That's the worst movie ever." Colton/Jackson said.

"I knew you had crappy taste in movies!" Victoria/Stella said.

Lydia/ Holland started laughing.

"And thats a wrap. See you in season 2" Victoria/ stella said to the camera.

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