"Ughh!" Kelsey says while rolling her eyes

"I love you too." Laura says in a singing tone


A few hours later....

"Soooo whyyy on earth is your hair so blonde?" Laura says with a slur

"I was born with blonde hair?" Ross says while scowling

"Sooo does your mom and dad have blonde hair as well?" Kelsey asks while staring at her cup

"Uhhhh yeah. Do you guys maybe want water?" Ross says with a whisper

"Hehe N-noo i think we'll B-be finee rossss." Laura says with a giggle

"I think that imma go home laurs." Kelsey says while looking at her

"B-but I-i c-cant gooo to my h-Homee." Laura says while tearing up

"Awww honey. Come on I'll take you back home just let me use the bathroom first?" Kelsey says while looking at her

"Okay." Laura whispers

Kelsey slowly stands up and wobbles to the bathroom

"I hope you enjoyed your night." Ross says while leaning over the bar

"Well let meee tell ya i was a fucking mess before i got here man." Laura says while looking at him

"Well im sorry. I hope you get home okay." Ross says with a smile

"Thaaank you mr bartender mann" Laura says with a slur

"Of course laura." Ross says

Twenty minutes have past and Laura is passed out on the bar, Ross is cleaning the bar and putting cups away..

"Where did her friend go?" Ross says with a whisper

Someone walks out of the women's bathroom with a dude, Ross looks at them and speaks

"Bye any chance did you guys see another lady in there?" Ross says with a whisper

"Nah man sorry. We weren't paying attention we were making sweet sweet love." The guy says while walking out with the girl

Ross looks over and sighs

Should I wake her and tell her that her friend left her?  No ross you can't . Ahhh just do it. No I can't!


"Screw it. Im not that guy."
Ross puts his towel down and walks on the other side and leans over to tap the ombré haired girl on the shoulder

"Laura?" Ross whispers

"Hmm?" Laura barely mumbles

"It's 2am and I have to close the bar and your friend left you here.." Ross says with a sigh

"Damn first my boyfriend of six years and now my best friend? Fuck my life." Laura says while sitting up

"Im sorry but look I can give you a ride home?" Ross says with a shrug

"No no no. I'll walk my ass home. The walk of shame. " Laura says while getting up

Ross scowls and looks down at the floor shaking his head.. Laura slams a $100 bill on the bar

"Keep the change blondie." Laura says while walking out of the bar

Ross looks at the bar and sighs

And they were roomatesWhere stories live. Discover now