"No." i say and she frowns.

"The only reason i know who you are is because my friend likes you or something. Also, I'm a good person and i have no reason to tell the world about your problems. I wouldn't want someone to do that to me."

"I don't know if you're lying though." i say actually contemplating it.

"I'm not though." she says frowning.
"So what was the fight about?" she asks.

Fuck it.
I take a big sip of my drink and then start to talk.
"My girlfriend and I- ex girlfriend and I, got into a fight and i broke up with her. But i didn't want to." i say.

"So why did you?" she asks and i sigh

"Because this girl Mariam, an old friend of mine, told me that she was going to post pics of us together if I didn't break up with her. Of course i dont want that to happen but i wasn't actually going to break up with J- i mean my girlfriend. And Mariam made me feel like shit, like i know my girl- my ex deserved better then me, but god i've never felt the way that i do with her about anyone before. But when we were fighting, i was upset and angry and my insecurities got the best of me and a part of me though that maybe Mariam is right. My girlfriend deserves someone better. And i know Mariam wouldn't hesitate to post the pics. So i just broke up with her." i say and i'm staring at the counter. I look to my right and Katie is looking at me with sad eyes.

"Damn." she says and sighs, "I don't know who this Mariam bitch is but she's a bitch. I guess for famous people, who you date is a big deal." she says raising an eyebrow and i nod.

"If your ex is really all that and you feel the way you do, don't let her slip away." Katie says.

"It's too late. And i know she won't forgive me. I was such a dick to her." i say covering my face with my hands.

"We're your feelings mutual about eachother?" she asks and i nod slowly.

"I think so. I mean, we were happy." i say.

"Then find a way to make it up to her." katie says.

"I already put her through enough." i say slouching.

Katie grabs my shirt, "If you genuinely care about this girl Hero, and i mean care care. She is worth TRYING to fix things for. Listen, if you don't try you may regret it forever." Katie says.

I close my eyes.

"I'm scared." i say and a tear falls, but i wipe it away quickly, "How do i even make it up to her?" i ask.

"I would definitely take things slow and try to explain to her how you really feel and how your sorry. But don't overwhelm her. Be honest but give her to time to think about it all." Katie says.

"Thank you." i say and she nods.

"Anytime...so i'm guessing i'll never see you again after tonight." she asks.

I don't why but that makes me a little sad.
"I suppose probably not."

I can't give her my phone number because i don't know if she'll give it to people.

"Well then it was nice talking to you Hero." she says smiling.

"You don't look sad." i say and she laughs.

"I mean people meet people everyday that they'll never see again. And trust me, saying bye to you is the least sad thing to happen to me today." she says and i actually smile.

I get off the bar stole and she salutes me.
"See you....i dont know when." she says and laughs.

"Bye katie." i say and she drinks her drink.
I walk away, through the crowd of people.

I leave the club and call an Uber.

I hope i can still fix things with Jo.
I at least have to try.


Hey guyssss,
sorry it took me forever to post, i've just been super busy lately.
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.
The next chapter should be more interesting.
Make sure to vote and comment :)
btw i love reading your guys comments
Thank you for reading, it means the world
- M <33

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