Our new spiritual friend (first day of school)

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 all of a sudden Tae's tail starts to glow and his tail turns pink and shiny in the moonlight!

Jimin: (eyes widen wide)
Kookie: (eyes widen in shock)
Tae: you're my true love!
Kookie: I see that, how old are u?
Tae: which life?
Kookie: Both!
Tae: first I am a moonlight spirit and u have made me human and a spirit I will protect you, your friend and your family and I will harm all enemies are to harm you, and for my ages, in spirit, I am 13 and in human, I am 15, two years from both ages! May I ask for your guy's ages! (hides tail and ears)
Kookie: I am 16!
Tae: (looks and Jimin) And you?
Kookie: he's in shock so, and he is 17!

on with the story!

Tae: ok, so who's driving!?
kookie: he is we, just need to get him into his right mind again! Do you know-how by any chance?
Tae: oh, put him in a cold situation!
Kookie: to the car then!
Tae: ok!
Kookie: (puts jimin in the car and turns the air all the way up to freezing cold) (puts on his sweater) do you want a sweater?
Tae: no, i'm fine i'll transform! (transforms into his spirit form)
Jimin: Holy, why is it so cold!? (looks at the air condition switch) who turned this up?
Kookie: Me!
Jimin: why?
Jimin: to put u back in his right mind!
jimin: from what? 
Tae: Hi, there!
Jimin: oh, him he shocked my brain!
Tae: yah, sorry about that!
Jimin: your fine, put it away tho only we need to know, ok!
Tae: ok, (turns back into a human)
Jimin: good, boy! ready to go home now?
Kookie: yes, please!
Tae: sure, where is home other than the woods?
Kookie: u will see it's nice and cozy!
Tae: ok, will it take long, I kinda haven't eaten in a while and im kinda hungry!
Jimin: we can stop at a restraunt on the way home! what can u eat?
Tae: i don't know exactly if u don't mind i can check but i have to  be in spiritual form!
Jimin: go ahead!
Tae: (switches back to spirit form) you might want to close ur eyes and stop driving for this one it can get a little brighter in here! no, recording unless u want to frie ur phone!
Jimin:  k!

jimin and kookie close their eyes while tae glows brighter than the sun and finds out what he can eat has a spiritual human!

Jimin: are u finished yet?
Tae: yeah, i'm finished!

kookie and jimin open their eyes and look behind them at tae feeling a sudden tempeature in the car see that tae was already back in human form and sitting back ready for the ride but they also notice he had burn marks on his face! 

Kookie: (takes of the seatbelt and climbs behind to the back with tae and sits next to him to look closely to his face) U burnt urself my little fox!
Tae: no I didn't those are my markings for unleashing the fox and human side and turns out i can eat whatever u guys eat but I have to get used to it so I might get sick at first!
Kookie: ok, I'll protect u my little fox!
Tae: (smiles) (turns into a full baby fox and cuddles up on kookie)
Kookie: <oh, my god this is so cute my partner is a full baby fox and he is in my lap falling asleep> 

at the restraunt

Kookie: Tae, get up its time to eat!
Tae: (wakes up and transform into a human again)
Kookie: you are so cute my little fox!
Jimin: are u guys still hungry? cuz i am!
Kookie: yah, i am!
Tae: me too can u order for me? (looks at kookie)
Kookie: sure! i sure will just for u!

inside of the restraunt

Kookie: do u know what place this is?

Tae: no, but i see a lot of people come here from the words and the come out laughing and smiling and in such a good mood!

Kookie: because its a fast food restraunt we are at Mc' Donalds where u can just sit there and talk and eat and drink your food and drinks of course and have a good time with ur family and friends or just one of those things.
Tae: sounds nice can we go i'm hungry!?

Jimin: yah, sure i'll pay this time!
Tae: ok, what's pay?
Kookie: you will see my little fox!

Tae: ok!

they go in a and jimin orders his food and then steps aside and lets kookie order his and tae's food and then pays for it they wait for about 15 to 20 minutes for their food and then sat at one of the tables that weren't being used and started to eat a couple of minutes later one of their group members walked in followed by another one of them ordered for the both of them and went to take a seat seeing jimin and kookie wonder who the third person was...

???: who is this?

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