♥ Part 9 - The Gift of Life ♥

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Abruptly, I switched direction and my sword swung through the air with great force.

Right then and there, appeared two things I was not formulated for.

The faint sound of my sword collapsing into the snow could be heard through the echo of the mountains as my body plummeted to the ground. I bit my lip in an attempt to hold back the tears of fear and confusion, right now I was emerged with the snow, but what awaits me could be a sense of relief, or...death. I didn't want to be seen as a weak girl, I wanted to be like my family. I wanted to be strong, I didn't want to cry during battle, that's such a shameful move. I don't wish to be seen as a weakling, I wish to be seen as an independent woman who can fight her own battles, because I know that's what my family would have wanted from me.

I began to uplift myself, my arms aching of pain from the amount of strength I had used. I hitched out a few breaths from my trembling body. Lifting my head up ever so carefully, I tried to focus my blurry vision on to what was in front of me. I gasped aloud as I realized

There was a head in front of me.

I couldn't control myself as a smile plastered over my face. I was relieved to be alive, I was relieved to be breathing, I was relieved that I'd made my first kill. Gazing at the luminance of the sky, I let my eyes gently shut as I envisioned what my family would think. I know in my heart that they would be proud, I can feel their souls aligning with mine to congratulate me. I know they would have done anything to help me reach this point.

I finally opened my eyes once again, sighing as I began to lift my body up. It was hard to sustain my body because I had never felt this many rushing emotions in my whole life. As I adjusted to my stance, I began to carefully walk through the radiant snow. As I walked further, I started to tense up and panic because I could not find Giyu anywhere. I tried not to panic and maintain myself, because I knew there was no use of overthinking. 

I placed my arms behind my back as I walked home. Many thoughts kept flowing throughout my mind. Defeating demons is going to get more difficult, this was my first kill and it felt like the hardest thing ever, but that's normal, right? Will I be able to live through all of this? Will I fail the Demon Slayers? Am I allowed to feel this overwhelmed? Will I screw things up?

I sighed. I just needed to see Giyu.

I knocked on the door before I entered, waiting for any sort of response. I awkwardly smiled as I tried to hold back my fear, I opened the door to a completely silent house. 

"Giyu...? Are you here?" I called out, my voice trailing throughout the house. I trudged around every room, but there was no sign of Giyu. I couldn't take it anymore! Why did he have to scare me like this? I sprinted towards the door and opened it, and there he stood in front of me with an unfazed look on his face.  

"You did it, Y/N," he said, his voice monotone. "I'm proud of you."

Overwhelmed with relief, I laughed until I could barely breathe. I tugged at Giyu's arm and thanked him for his kind words. "Thank you, Giyu. I couldn't have done it without your encouragement."

Giyu's POV:

I stared at the girl as her face erupted with laughter, I was mildly confused. I couldn't figure her out, but it was nice to finally have company, it was nice to have someone to care about. I'd never really felt the need to protect someone until I met Y/N. 

I'm so glad she's safe.


Author's Note:

OH MY GOSHJWJj it has been SOOO long since I have updated this!! I am beyond sorry to all of my precious readers who have waited so long, I'm so terrible at consistency but I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Please try to cut me some slack for I have been very inactive with writing for several months now, and I still need to get back into the swing of things. My writing may not be top tier in this chapter and I'm very sorry! I'm going to try my best to improve for you all!

I've read every single one of your comments and I am beyond thankful for all of your support on this story, it means the absolute world to me! I appreciate each and every one of you lovely readers, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! New chapters will be arriving soon. Stay safe everybody!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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