♥ Part 2 | Salvation ♥

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Your weary eyes gently opened themselves, a sweet aroma circling around you. You were still quite worn out, and your body was as weak as could be. You attempted to move, but to your disbelief you were in a pair of muscular arms, the warmth of the persons body enough to soothe you back to slumber. With no recollection of the past events except your experience with the demon that you could not defeat, you panicked.

"Erghh!" You urged, squirming and wailing to break free from the grip, but it was far too strong. You did not give up, though. In this moment, your life was precious to you. "Please, please..." you began to tear up as you did before, you weren't one to be so weak, but you were terrified that your life was going to end right then and there. "I know you're a demon, I-"

"I'm not a demon." A deep voice spoke, the tone and color of it reaching your soul. You gasped for air, and finally let your muscles relax. You glanced at the man, the memories of the events all approaching to your mind at once. It all hit you like a truck, and you remembered that this man had saved your life. You felt at ease, and you felt as if everything would be okay.

"I'm sorry," you managed to let out. "I must've forgot for a moment."

"You're injured quite severely," the endearing man stated. "Try your best not to move, the pain will rush through your body at a rapid rate, the pain will be immense."

"Don't doubt me," you snickered out, turning your head to face the trees that would approach closer and then disappear out of your sight as the man walked. "I'm tougher than you may think, you just caught me at a bad time."

"Then you won't mind walking?" He loosened his grip on you, causing you to squeal despite your efforts not to. "Figured. Just try to sleep more."

Once again, you flickered your eyes open to a gentle hand above you, carefully maneuvering itself around your body. You watched as the familiar man wrapped thick bandages around your injured arm with precision, and you let your head rest down on the carpet once again.

"I see you're awake again," he said softly, patting in the rest of the bandage to fit ideally around your pale arm. "As I said, you're injured. Badly. You must not take these words less than they are, you do not want to lengthen the time you owe for it to heal."

"Yeah, yeah," You uttered, attempting to pick myself up from the ground. You must have been hit in the head multiple times, because when you tried to get up, you applied all of the pressure to my injured arm. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" you cried, falling to the floor, your back slamming against the surface.

"Did you not hear what I just s-"

"I did, I did! I'm sorry," you spoke, tears forming in your eyes. "It's okay, I'm fine."

"If you insist." the man said coldly, lifting himself from off of the ground to put away his materials that he'd used to cover your injury. You once again tried to get up, but to your surprise, you couldn't. You could hear the gentle footsteps of the man, and you were quite embarrassed to ask for help.

"U-Um," you mumbled, the man stopped in his tracks. He turned his head to your helpless body lying there, and he patiently waited for your next words. "C-Could you please help me up?" The man walked over to you, his familiar touch against you. His vigorous hands slid under your back, while his other hand slid under your legs. Taken aback, your pupils dilated. "What are y-" He lifted you up off the bridal style, and your face flushed a light pink from embarrassment. Jeez, you asked for a helping hand not an escort.

"There." He said calm as ever, tilting you upwards to place you on your feet. You turned your head to stare at him, your [h/c] hair twisting in sync with the rest of you. Your eyes stared deep into his serene eyes, and you found yourself losing your balance. You could infer that the man had quick reflexes, because he darted his hand behind your back.

"Thank you," you said warmly, looking down at the carpeted floor. "for saving my life."

"You can repay me by getting stronger."

"W-What?" Your eyes flashed up to his figure, and you were shocked at his words.

"Giyu Tomioka," he stated boldly, his eyes still as cold as can be, hiding all of his secrets behind his mesmerizing pupils. "I wish to help you."

"But, w-"

"Please, don't question me," he said coldly. "Just let me help you."

"[y/n] [l/n]," you said nervously. "Thank you, Giyu."

The man had never liked his name so much

until he heard you say it.

Serenity -- Giyuu Tomioka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now