♥ Part 6 | The Ropes ♥

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"What's the plan?" I asked Giyu, stretching my muscles at the place that he had led me to.

"To train."

"Well, yeah, I know that," I chuckled. "But what exactly am I going to be doing?"

"First, I want you to run all the way back home and then return here. Five times. After, you will do 200 pushups. I'll see how you're holding up after, then I will further your training."

"Okay, I'm on it!" I instantly turned around and dashed through the air, not used to the feeling of it being so easy to run after yesterdays experience. As I continued, I could see the shadow of the house coming into view, and I felt relieved. I tapped the house with my fingers, and steadied myself against it. I can't feel light headed already, come on. I have to do this five times, then 200 pushups! Cmon, Y/N, let's run back. Then we can see him again. Only a little bit longer, I think to myself, beginning to pick up my pace again. The dashes quickly turned into sprints, then I began to run, making sure my pace was right. My eyes widened as I saw Giyu standing there, a pleased look on his face as he saw my return. I pushed against the ground, coming to a stop. "This is pretty difficult already."

"Already? Keep going."

"Okay, whatever you say!"

It was tiring, and it damn near took all of the energy out of me, but after another four long laps, I returned back. My whole face was red hot, my body aching from the lack of time to breathe properly. I had worn myself out so quickly, which is not good. Not good at all. I'm not good at running.

"Do you still wish to con-"

"Yes! Yes," I kneeled down, forming into a plank position. I began to lift myself up and down, squinting my eyes as my weight became heavier and heavier to lift up.

"You're almost done, Y/N. 150 in 25 minutes." I couldn't respond. I didn't want to waste my precious breath, so I forcefully closed my eyes and pushed through the pain. 

"A-Am I done y-yet-" I panted, struggling to feel anything anymore. "Please."

"Yes, you just got to 200. It took you 37 minutes." I immediately fell against the ground as he told me I was finished, and tilted my head back to see him.

"So, what about the plan?"

"Up for the mountain? It's going to be a lot more difficult now, I'm warning you."

"Of course-" I stopped to pant again, my chest moving up and down rapidly. "Of course I am up for it. Just a little break?"

"Y/N, in battles, there is no timeout. There are no breaks. You have to keep progressing, no matter how much energy it takes."

"I-I know," I staggered as I spoke, weakly lifting myself up off of the ground. "You're right, l-let's go."

"If you insist."

After what seemed like the longest walk of my life, we'd made it to the top of the mountain. I still felt weak in my knees, but I heard Giyu's words echoing throughout my mind. There are no breaks. I have to keep going, no matter how much it hurts.

"I'm ready," I spoke confidently, turning around to see him. I smiled with reassurance as he slightly smiled to me. Turning back to face the mountain that only went downhill, I pushed my right leg back, and pushed myself up off. I slid at first, but eventually stabilized myself on the snow. I quickly moved my weight, dodging every object in my path. I've done this before, it shouldn't be so hard now. At least not as hard as- I stopped as a trap buried in the snow leached onto my ankle. I'd been running with no warning to it, so since I was still moving it yanked my ankle. I hitched in pain and yelled out, the pain was immense. I knew it would be hard to run now. I bent down and unstrapped the trap from my ankle. I limped trying to continue, and I was shocked as a trap from atop of the trees began to parachute down over me. Quick! Move before I get trapped! I used all of my might to move, but my ankle wasn't having it. I have no choice! I leapt onto my injured ankle and used it to jump from out of the trap. I screamed in horrendous pain as I dropped in the snow. This is so much harder than I ever could have imagined.

Serenity -- Giyuu Tomioka x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon