Before he clicked play I let out a silent yawn. "You're already tired?" he asked.

"No," I lied.

He turned the tv off and turned towards me. His eyes stayed towards the ground though. "You're a bad liar. I should get going."


"Goodnight Skai." Without another word he exited through the balcony door and flew off.

What did I do? No, I didn't do anything. Was it the kiss? Did he realize that...I'm not worth it. A tear slipped down my cheek. I won't cry over this. I already told myself before this to not get my hopes up. Hawks is known to be a flirt. It's a shame that I fell for it. Either way, once he found out my hero name, he would've left me. Not many people agree with my past works, even if I did have no control of it.

My body turned to its side and I wrapped my arms and legs around a blanket. Closing my eyes, I tried to forget about everything that happened tonight. The next morning, my phone had notifications of future mission details. Nothing from Hawks.

It looks like I won't have a break for a while. My eyes fixated on the blank wall. For once I felt a good change in my life, but now it's gone. Shaking my head, I got up and made breakfast. This is what I get for having hope.

After eating I made my way to the tea shop. On the way my eyes caught glimpse of a few heroes on patrols. Each one smiling and waving to citizens on the street. My eyes dropped to the ground. I wish I could've had more control of my life.

"Found you," I heard from behind me.


"Ding ding ding," he bubbled as he came up beside me. "Last night was a blast wasn't it?"

"It was alright."

"Where are you heading?"

"To get tea."

"I'll come with you. Since we are coworkers and all," he grinned.

"Fine by me."

We chatted on the way to the tea shop. A loud commotion caught our attention. I sighed, "We should probably check it out."

We pushed past people who were running away. I beat him to it using my quirk. An explosion went off causing me to be pushed back. My body was caught and hands wrapped around my waist. "What're you doing kid?"

Hawks pulled me close and his eyes focused on the man who caused the explosion. His wings enclosed around me, blocking me from any debree. I've never seen him look so serious. "Damn it, answer me kid. You could've gotten hurt."

Three other heroes arrived and quickly apprehended the man who caused the ruckus. My eyes strayed to the ground. Gently releasing myself from his touch, I muttered. "Sorry for bothering you again."

His voice went soft, "Hey, wait-"

I turned to walked away but he gently grabbed my wrist. Looking back, his eyes expressed concern. Bano chuckled, "Wow Skai. Didn't know you had fans."

Hawks head turned to look at Bano. "Is this your friend?" he asked me.

I rolled my eyes towards Bano. "He's a coworker. Also Volvo, Hawks isn't a fan."

Bano gave off an annoyed expression when I exposed his hero name. Only Hawks could hear, but he still gets annoyed when I say it. Hawks laughed, "Ah, the number two ranked in Rinoden. How many people did you have to slaughter to get to that spot?"

"Hawks!" I gasped.

"What? It's just the truth. Unjustified murders. Especially what happened two years ago with your current number one ranked hero. Beam."

My heart dropped. Bano began to laugh, "You really don't know anything, do you? Anyways Skai, lets go get tea."

Hawks wings puffed up slightly when he heard this. He looked like he was trying to hold something back. His eyes widened when I snatched my wrist out of his grasp. Using my quirk I vanished from both of their sights. I can't handle Bano right now. I want to go back to my apartment.

Before I reached my apartment building I heard Hawks approaching from above. "Heyooo," he said as he landed next to me.

"Hey bird brain."

His expression looked blue. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"That's what I was going to ask you," he retorted. Without warning he took me and flew to my balcony.

"I told you not to do that," I muttered.

He ignored my comment, "Whats upsetting you kid?"

I sighed, I might as well tell him. "The way you just left last night. It made me feel like I did something wrong to upset you. I realized today it's probably for the best. I work for Rinoden and I understand if you're uncomfortable associating with me."

"I shouldn't have said what I did earlier, and for that I'm sorry," he said sincerely. His wings slightly dropped to the ground.

He totally ignored my topic about last night. That's fine, I just want one more answer. I looked him right in the eyes. It was silent until I spoke up. "I have issues when I let my hopes up. Can you do me a favor and tell me you don't like me, so I can just get it out of my head."

"What?" he asked confused.

"Just say it. I work for Rinoden, so you have no reason to anyway. It's my brain that's making me get my hopes up. Don't worry, once you tell me I'll get over it immediately. I just need reassurance."

"I don't get it," he said under his breath. He approached me before he continued. "You're so self conscious. Why shouldn't you have hope?"

"Can you just tell me please." I want to get it over with. Hope leads to the greatest disappointments.

"I would, if it was true. I don't care who you work for. You drive me crazy kid. Making me overthink every time you let go off me. From not hugging me back, to letting my hand go at the party. Every time I thought you were tired of me."

I turned my head to avoid his eye contact. My heart began to race. "Damn it Hawks, how could I get tired of you? Every time I'm with you everything is so much better. Last night you just...left. There's so many better people out there. If you even have the slightest feelings for me, you could find someone that can make you happy." Suspense filled the air as I went on. "I-I...don't believe you." I'm not going to avoid him anymore. I fixated on his eyes and spoke sternly. "If what you say is true. Then prove it."

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