25 | In Love With You

Start from the beginning

"You would have kept kissing her if I hadn't shown up, wouldn't you?" she asked her voice very quiet.

"I don't know, I don't know what happened, one second we were fighting the next we were..." I trailed of, saying we were 'snogging', in front of Skye just seemed wrong.

"And what's I'm supposed to say to that, J?" She asked a little louder that she had done before; I had this weird feeling that she would explode if I said the wrong thing.

"I regret it, Skye. I really do. You don't know how she is, she is manipulative and ruthless. When she wants something she gets it! And I fell for her apologies and so called promises. Besides I thought you were done with me, that we would never happen! And then there Mathilda came and basically offers herself to me! And I just went for it, thinking she was my only chance of ever getting love, but then you were suddenly there and that reminded me of who she was. -"

"Which was who exactly?" she cut of my rambling excuse of an explanation

"Not you," I mumbled under my breath. I didn't look up at her; I just kept looking down at my lap. She didn't say anything for a long while. After what felt like hours she finally spoke.

"You know, that's really cheesy..." I raised my head to look up at her, a small cheeky smile had crept upon her face.

I huffed, "I know," as a small smile morphed my face from sadness to hopeful longing. She had smiled. Leisurely as if testing the hold of a new boat I leaned forward once more, I stopped when I was about an inch from her pouty lips. She didn't budge.

"Can I kiss you now?" I whispered against her lips. She didn't respond in words instead she tilted forward just that little inch and crushed her lips to mine, grapping my hair in that same motion. I too tangled my hands in her hair, kissing her softly careful not to scare her away. I felt as if the whole world was standing still, the other times when we had kissed it had been hungry, desperately as if our time together had been limited and we both needed to still our thirst, before the water ran out.

I carefully got up from my sitting position on the bed and walked her down onto it, lying half on top of her, kissing her sweetly. I broke from her mouth and trailer butterfly kisses her over her cheek to her jaw line, making my way down her neck, finding a sweet spot near her pulse point where I latched on making a mark of my own.

Skye breath hitched as I did so, before she half whispered, half moaned my name, "Jamie..." then it was as if the lazy careful silence broke and I gradually started to get rougher waking both her and my own desire. As I kept kissing her I started to get very annoyed by her clothing - or not really it, more that fact that she had any on. Her black tight workout pants seemed like a chastity belt, her shirt and green sports bra like an impenetrable fortress and I hadn't even really touched her yet.

I kissed her neck viciously with wet kisses and love bits, making her moan my name a little louder under me, which evidently just made me want her even more. "Jamie I,-" she started but I latched on to her mouth again and kissed her, where she hummed contently against my lips. But saying nothing at all right now would not do. I needed her to understand that I cared, so I kissed my way to her right ear and whispered, "you have been driving me crazy," I took her earlobe tenderly in between my lips and nibbled gently then let go, "the last couple weeks, and all the while I was terrified because.." I trailed off, kissing my way up to her mouth again, where I kissed her for a whole minute before breaking from her again.

"Because what?" she whispered.

"I was terrified because even though you drove me nuts, I was falling in love with you," a sweet smile lingered at the corners of her mouth, though before she could have one huge grin on her face, I kissed her, though this time it wasn't as before. Now that strange energy who had gripped us before took hold of us once again. As our lips crushed together we both inhaled a sharp intake of air through our nose, which made us both open out mouth, where I took the opportunity and kissed her, darting my tongue into her mouth, she welcomed me greedily our tongues dancing and twisting as if having a Kong Fu match. In a swift motion I broke from her mouth continuing down her neck to her chest. I slipped my hands under her loose shirt and under her blouse, where I could feel her soft smooth skin against my palm. As I kept kissing her up and down her throat it got to the hem of her sports bra where it lingered, and excruciatingly slowly crept towards the mound of her breast.

"Jamie?" she suddenly seemed to ask, her voice coated with lust. As I looked up at her eyes was black as night the green almost gone. Then we both simultaneously sat up and pulled each other's shirts over the other ones head in one swift fluid motion, how we managed to pull it off with aching muscles I'll never know, but we did. Before she lay down again I caught her face in my hands and kissed her again, her hands went up in my hair twisting it in her fingers. My own hands travelled to her waist again where it dwelled by her sports bra.

"Can I..?" I whispered, the rest of the question lingering in the air. Instead of answering Skye quickly released her grip on my hair to reach for her sports bra. Making a short work of it, she tossed it to the side revealing her breasts to me. They were perfect, not too big - not too small. They were round and bouncing lightly as she moved, never swaying more than an inch from where they were supposed to be.

Growling I latched onto her throat kissing and nibbling her skin again. She lay back down, with my body floating over hers. I could feel the intense heat coming of her skin as my mouth nibbled at the tender spot just below her ear. Then I kissed my way down, taking my time to kiss and touch every part of her skin, before making my way down to her breasts.

Breathing hard she twisted a hand in my hair and another went over my shoulder, her nails digging in my skin, almost drawing blood. I kissed around her small rosy nibble in circles, wanting her to imagine how it would feel to be touched by me, long before I actually really touched her.

"Quite teasing me J..." she moaned, squirming under my administrations. Then I poked out my tongue and started circling her nibble with the tip of it instead of kissing circles. She squirmed trying to make my tongue to slip over the mound of her breast. I stopped to look up at her, "Someone is a little eager?" I teased her placing a kiss just next to her nipple.

"Oh, is it just me?" Before I registered it she had with some trick she had learned at judo class earlier this week swung us around so she was on top. I laughed at her before she leaned down to kiss me again.

"Wait," I said and pushed her face a little away from my own. I had just now noticed that her hair was still in a ponytail so I reached up and pulled it out. Her hair encircled her face, like a lion's mane, "so that's better."

Her lips clashed with mine again, kissing me viciously, her curls tickling my face. It was as if all her anger and confusion had been turned to pure raging lust. Her tongue poked out asking for entrance. More than willingly I opened my mouth, our tongues danced and twisted in a perfect battle for dominance, no one neither winning nor loosing.

A/N: the next chapter is locked, so if you want to read it you'll have to follow me.

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be aware that it is basically just smut....

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