Things are Changing

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When Alya and the class forced Marinette to sit in the back without informing her, that set off something for her. They could have at least told her before doing it.

Just according to the plan, Lila would lie, and Marinette would try to expose her. When Mari went to the bathroom after throwing a napkin at Lila, Bridgette came in. It was a good thing that no one else was in there.

Bridgette went to Mari. "How are you feeling M?" Bridgette asked.

"I'm okay. It would be better if I had Damian here with me, you know?" Mari said.

"I know. I wish I had Felix here with me. I am really starting to doubt your picking dudes skill. But at least you pick someone who looks like him." Bridgette said.

"It's just, I can't believe they believe that. Max has glasses. It wouldn't have gouged his eye out. And you don't even have a cast on your arm. Alya should know this, considering her sister is a wrestler and she must have had injuries when she first started." Marinette rambled.

"Mari calm down. Just talk to Damian. I'm sure he's up." Bridgette suggested.

"Alright Bridgette, I'll do that." Mari said.

Before she could get her phone out, a stall door opened up.

"What's this I hear about you calling Lila Bridgette and you two dating some people named Damian and Felix?" The person in the stall came out. It was Chloe Bourgeois.

"You know, we really should watch where we talk freely. Okay Chloe, if you really want to know, just come to the bakery tonight and we'll tell you." Marinette said.

"Alright Dupain-Cheng. But I want the full truth or this whole convo is going to be exposed to the whole school. And you too Rossi. If that's even your real last name." Chloe then walked out the bathroom.

The twins sighed. "Alright, let's just get the rest of the day over with." Marinette said.



"Did she say right ear? Right ear. This morning it was her left ear. I got her this time."

"Are you gonna tell everyone." A voice said. She looked at Adrien.

"Course I am. Lila's a-" He cut her off.

" A liar. Yes, I know. But do you really think exposing her will make things better? If you humiliate her, she'll just be hurt more. Making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy."

"So we just sit back and let her lie?" Mari asked. She really hopes the good looks aren't the only thing he has going for him.

"As long as you and I both know, does it really matter?" He asked.

Mari sighed. "You're right. Maybe it's not such a big deal." It was a big deal. If they believe Lila over Marinette, she could say anything bad about her, and they would believe it.


Bridgette transformed in an alley, and went home through the balcony. She didn't want anyone following her. Once she got inside, she detransformed, and waited for Chloe to come.

A second later, Chloe was coming into the room. "Alright you two, I want the truth and nothing but the truth." Chloe said.

"Alright. So this is my sister Bridgette. Take it off." Mari said.

Bridgette took off the wig and contacts. She heard Chloe gasp. "Oh my god. You're Bridgette Cheng. Okay in retrospect, this is really obvious, seeing as you look practically the same, only she has longer hair. So why are you two doing all of this?" Chloe rambled.

"Alright, so Bridgette is here for about a whole year, and when I first wanted to introduce her to my friends, she told me it would bring me attention, which I hate to have. So we had an idea to have a student come into the school who tells lies and after 6 months, those who don't believe her will get to be her friend and will be properly introduced to her, while the others will drown in guilt and or anger." Mari said.

"Alright I want in." Chloe said.

"Wait, why?" Bridgette said.

"I just want to see if Sabrina is loyal to me or if she'll follow someone else with more connections. Now back to what I heard in the bathroom. Who are these people that are named Felix and Damian?" Chloe asked.

They both flushed. "I'm dating Felix Graham De Vanily and she's dating Damian Wayne." Bridgette muttered.

"So you are the twins that melted the ice king's hearts. I am so going to tease them about this." Chloe said.

This got the twins confused. "What are you two talking about?" Mari managed to get out.

"I know Felix because he was with me and Adrien growing up and Damian because I go to galas, obviously. So when I heard they got girlfriends that are twins, I wanted to know who could have melted their hearts. But it makes sense. You two are the complete opposites of them." Chloe explained.

"Alright, now that that's over, we are going to do our homework. You wanna join us?" Bridgette said.

"No, I have Sabrina doing it for me. But here is my number, so you can give me more about this Lila plan thing." Chloe said, walking out the room.

"So does this make us friends or acquaintances?" Mari asked no one.


"So you know that plan we are doing on our classmates?" Mari asked Jason. He nodded. "Well we weren't exactly in character in the bathroom and we were just talking normally in the bathroom thinking no one was there. But apparently Chloe was in there. And when we told her about the plan, she just gave us her phone number for more info of the plan, and left. Like does this make us friends or acquaintances at the very least?" Mari asked, stressed.

"I don't know Pixie. But how is Blueberry doing, faking her personality for about 7 to 8 hours at a time?" Jason asked.

"She claims it's tiring. She is passed out on the couch right now." She moves her camera to the couch. She heard Jason laugh.

"She's a whole mood. Sorry Pixie, I gotta go. B wants me to go on patrol. Talk to you later." Jason said, hanging up.

"I am so not ready for the rest of the year." Mari mumbled under her breath."


For the next two months, Lila had to say some bad things about Mari, much to her dread. There were five people that believed it at first. But Nino then remembered that Mari wouldn't dare do that, so he apologized to her and broke up with Alya. Max had Marcov look up Lila's lies, and whatever she said was what happened to Bridgette Dupain. So he showed Alix and Kim, and the three of them apologized to Mari.

Luka told Juleka to think if Mari would ever do that, considering all the things that Mari has done for them. She told Mari she was sorry for ever believing Lila in the first place. Luka and Kagami never believed it in the first place. So they were good.

Chloe knew all that was happening on the sidelines. After Sabrina left her, her and Mari became best friends.

Adrien kept swearing they were friends, but never talked to Mari or her group, unless it was about taking the high road. They were tired of it, to say the least.

Damian came to her school to see this whole thing and maybe laugh when it backfires. He might have also came to spend time with his angel. Batman could go a little while without Robin. Couldn't he?

-can someone save me from doing all these tests. 


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