
"You are finally getting your vacations," I told Dr. B, my eyes traveling to her hands. Her nail polish of choice was a warm deep coral of sorts, something that certainly had a fancy name on the label. For me, it was the color of the sunset I saw with Jake.

"Yes, I am. And you are getting your driver's license back."

A smile erupted on my face, "Yes..."

"With someone next to you, at least for now."

"I'm so happy."

"About the car?" She asked, looking over her glasses.

"No," I said, feeling one of my shoulders rise, "not just about the car... I'm happy, in general, and I don't feel guilty about it."

She leaned a little over her desk, "Why should you feel guilty about your happiness?"

"People are in trouble."

"Who's in trouble?"

I peeked at my fingers, nail polish free, as usual, before responding.

"My mom."

"But you are not responsible for the choices she made to get her in that position."

"I know. It still feels..." I searched for a word that would help me explain.

"What?" Dr. B asked, her eyes raising from the notebook in front of her.

"I'm not sure. I'm not sure how to feel about her at all."

She looked pensive for a second, just enough to place a portion of her platinum hair behind one ear.

"Anyone else you think is in trouble?"

I sighed, knowing I was about to confess what had been troubling me the last few days. "Maybe... the woman that married my father... maybe she is in trouble. I mean, I think there's a real possibility she might be."

"It is still just a possibility," she said.

"Yes," I nodded my agreement, "but I made a decision."

She gestured with her hands, encouraging me to talk.

"We are all traveling to St. Patrick in a couple of days. Jake and Brian are going to be roommates in an apartment, and we will help them set up before classes begin, and prepare our house as well... and I will talk to detective Matt."

"Is that something you have been thinking about lately?"

"Yes... I think it never stopped since the day of his visit. A lot happened in between, but I still want to know. And I feel like I am ready to hear whatever information he can give me."

"And what do you plan to do with that information?"

"I don't know. I don't even know what he can tell me or if he really knows something. I will just listen and go for there when the time comes."

She nodded, but I was still wondering if I was, in fact, ready to face my fears.


"And there it is", I said, opening my arms for a more dramatic effect. My goofy manners paid off immediately when a smile lit up on Alexa's face.

"Well," she looked around the bedroom that would be mine in the apartment I was sharing with Brian "it's tiny compared to your room at your father's house, but considering your enthusiasm I think you don't care."

I laughed, "I really don't. The only thing I wanted was a new mattress." I flopped on the bed, tapping the spot next to me. "They delivered it yesterday. It's super comfy."

Chasing Stars ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora