Chapter 20

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Kenma's POV brought to you by me almost putting my AirPods in the washer (PS happy chapter 20 y'all thanks for the reads and the votes):


"You- y what?"

"I love you more than words can explain." He said unhesitantly.
Akaashi grinned and slowly backed out of the room grinning. 

"I love you Kenma. I really love you" He repeated, crying and his voice breaking "and I know I know it's weird I mean we're best friends and you only see me like that but I can't help it! You-You make me happier than anyone could ever with a little smile! and the way to talk and when you wear my hoodies I feel like my hearts going to fail! Your just so amazing and I just want to give you all of my love and I want to be able to hug you and kiss you every day and tell you how much I'm in love with you. I want to be able to hold you when you cry and I want you to cheer you up when your down. I want to be there with you forever until we're ghosts. I want to be your family, your love, your everything and I want to be able to say, ' I can't believe he's mine ' whenever I see you. I want to take care of you. Just let me love you."

Kuroo's POV brought to you by me starting kakegurui cause like why the hell not right:

He stood there shocked. I was scared out of my mind.

"I-" He started.

"I'm so sorry!"

I ran.


Kenma's POV brought to you by the fact that I question my sexuality because anime girls are fine as fuckkkkk:

Kuroo ran out of the room before I could say anything. 

"KUROO!" I yelled out to the empty hallway. 

I made my way to his dorm room. 

I knocked. 

"Hey Kenma-san what's up?" Oikawa said as he answered the door

"Do you know where Kuroo is?"

"Nope" He shrugged.

"Well thanks for nothing," I said walking away

"Your welcome!" he screamed with a doofus smile on his face. 

I made my way out of the dorms. 


"KUROO!" I collapsed against the wall, crying. nononononono this- this can't be real. he... loves me? as much as I love him?

"k-kuroo." I said again. whispering, my voice breaking from the tears. I lifted my head up and leaned my elbows onto my knees, running my fingers through my hair. I sighed, wiping the unstoppable flow of tears running down my cheek. 

I knew where he would be.

So I ran.


"KUROO!" After running for a minute I got there. 

The place we watched the sunset. His secret place. 

He was sitting on the bench with his head down and his hand in his wild hair.

"Kuroo" He looked up at me, eyes puffy and red. I walked up to him and placed a hand on his cheek, my thumb rubbing his soft skin. He looked back down. I pull his face up.

"kuroo." I repeated. "You know how long I've waited to hear those words come out of your mouth? You can't run away Kuro. I wanted to tell you something. Can I?" He placed his hand over mine, rubbing his thumb along my fingers. He nodded. 

"Kuroo Tetsurou. I love you. Your stupid-ass has saved me so many times and you make my life worth living. Without you I wouldn't be where I am today, I wouldn't be happy. You make me happy. seeing your face makes me want to die inside because I think, 'how did I ever get so lucky?' I love you Kuro. I want to be able to hug you and kiss you every single day. I want to be able to tell you how much I love you. I want you to tell me how much you love me too. I want you o hold me, no matter what the situation, and I want to be able to hold you back. I want to be able to hug you and tell you it's alright when you don't feel okay. I want to be with you when we're ghosts too. And I want to be your family, I want to be your love and your everything too. I want to take care of us and I want you to take care of me. I want your love. And I want to give you mine."

Kuroo's POV brought to you by the kakegurui intro lowkey being a bop:

"This isn't a dream this time right?" 

"huh?" he looked at me confused. I pulled him into the bench into a hug. 

I stood up, still hugging him.


I'm never letting you go ever again.

Never ever ever-

"kuroo. can't. breathe."

"ahk!" I let go of him quickly. We walked back, hand in hand. 

"hey Kenma... Wanna be my boyfriend?"

"y'know... that'd be nice."

We continued walking. 

"hey Kuroo." 


"bend down."


"not like that idiot. I mean meet my eyes."

Kenma's POV brought to you by uRuSai bAkA bAkaA:

His eyes met mine. I pulled him by his collar into a kiss. 

It was soft, sweet, and not too long. (no smut you wackos)

I hummed in satisfaction and walked away.

"HEY!" I laughed as he scooped me up from behind, burying his face into my neck.

"stop it tickles!" I said in the middle of laughs. He put me down.

"You know I love you right?"

"Always and forever," I said looking him into his eyes. 

"Always and forever."

The last chapter vibes hurt

922 words 

I think Imma write an epilogue so yeah 

Love yall

- Author

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