Chapter 2

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Still in Kenma's POV:

"GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!" Kuroo yelled as he opened the blinds and turned off the extra fan blowing into my face. I threw the pillow next to me at his face. He caught it, threw it back, and said, "Hurry uppp we are going on campus!" I groaned and put myself in autopilot, brushing my teeth, and stepping into the shower. I came out, hair still wet tied up and with black skinny jeans and a dark red hoodie on. Kuroo was on my bed rapping to some song. I took my hair out and placed the wet rubber band around my wrist. I pulled my hoodie, grabbed my phone and shoved it into my hoodie pocket then grabbed my game.

"Okay let's go." Kuroo walked out of the room and into Riku's.

"Riku let's go!" he said dragging my brother out of his room


"You seriously didn't think I was going to leave you home alone did you?" Riku groaned and followed Kuroo downstairs.

"Riku let's go!" he said dragging my brother out of his room


"You seriously didn't think I was going to leave you home alone did you?" Riku groaned and walked out of the room "There's someone I'd like you to meet. I think you'll like him"


"You'll see." We walked outside to reveal Bokuto standing in front of a Range Rover.

"WOAH! He looks like an owl!"

"Wait Seriously? Thanks bro!" Bokuto said, walking up to my brother. "I'm Bokuto Koutarou by the way."

"Riku. Riku Kozume"

"Woah! Kenma you didn't tell me that you had a cool younger brother!" Kuroo and I brought my stuff and stuffed it in the Rover while Bokuto and Riku talked about random things.

By the time we finished packing Riku and Bokuto had become best friends. Bokuto drove and Riku wanted to sit in the front so Kuroo and I sat in the middle row.

"I'm hungry." Riku said 2 minutes into the car ride. Shit. We didn't eat any breakfast.

"Bo, stop at the Dunkin Donuts. I could use a coffee too." Kuroo said, yawning. We pulled into the parking lot and entered the small store.

We sat down at a small table and Kuroo went to order. I pulled my game back out of course.

Bokuto and Riku were in the middle of a conversation about anime memes when his phone started buzzing. "Morning Sunshine" he said sweetly. Oh that's gotta be Akaashi. "You're so mean 'Kaashi!" Akaashi and I were pretty good friends. We kept the two insane, Bokuto and Kuroo, a bit controlled. "Love you. Byee"

"Was that Akaashi?" I asked Bokuto. He nodded.

"Who's Akaashi?" Riku asked.

"Only the best human being on earth who happens to be my boyfriend," Bokuto said proudly, his chest puffing a bit.

"Cool! Is he as fun as you? If he is I wanna meet him!"

"He's better! He's gonna meet us at the college!"

"Yay!" Kuroo came back with 2 coffees and a milkshake for Bokuto (You know how he is).

"Hmph how come Bokuto nii gets a milkshake?"

"We can share it!"


"No." Kuroo and I said at the same time.

"Sorry Bo but, I know you are gonna make a mess. What milkshake do you want?" Kuroo asked.

"Look at that, Kuroo finally being responsible." I said. He smirked.

"Too early to be chaotic I guess" He replied.

"It's never too early!" Bokuto said, almost shouting.

"Quite down you idoit" (I HAD TO CHANGE IT THAT WAS CRINGE AS HELL) I said, flicking his forehead. "I don't understand how Keiji deals with you." Bokuto slumped back in his chair and sighed. I went back to my game, taking sips of coffee and a tiny bite of donut in the middle.

Kuroo and Riku came back a couple minutes later with hash browns and a milkshake. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I ate those hash browns. I haven't eaten breakfast in days so this was a nice change of pace.

We finished the donuts and all of us had our drinks remaining except for bokuto who drank half and ended up spilling it on the floor. The four of us got back to the car and started driving towards the school. God this car ride is gonna last forever.


Sorry for the short chapter tho.

716 words I think?

- Author

Wish you were sober - KurokenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora