Chapter 12

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Kuroo's POV brought to you by me pretending to pay attention in math class:

I woke up a few hours after the call with Kenma, hungover as fuck.

I didn't even know if the call was real or just a dream since it happened so early and my brain was still hungover.

I pulled myself out of bed and into the shower, I was still disgusting from the party. I didn't remember much, just Kenma driving me home.

I sang along to my music, mostly just Post Malone (yes I made Kuroo a posty guy because I LOVE POSTYYY) I let the water hit my chest as I leaned on the shower wall, touching my head trying to stop the headache somehow. I promised myself I wouldn't drink too much. Damn, I can't handle myself at all. "HURRY UP ROOSTER IWA-CHAN'S WAITING FOR ME AND HE'S GONNA GET MAD IF I'M LATEEEEE" I heard a shout and bang on my door.





"WHY ARE YOU SO GODDAMN ANNOYING!" I said turning the water off and drying myself. I quickly put my clothes on and walked out.

"Hehe you love me~" Oikawa said winking.

"In your dreams pretty boy. How does Iwaizumi deal with you"

"He loves me!"'

"You love him"


"Don't ever call me that"

"Sorry Kuroooo" Oikawa said as he rushed into the bathroom.

I took my phone and called Kenma.

"hey" his voice sounded soft and tired.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No no I was just uh reading."

"Kenma are you lying to me?"

"Huh? No."

"kenma explain. Now." I heard Akaashi in the background.

"Explain what?" he said back, in a small mumble.

"Your face!"

"Kenma what's going on?" I asked.

"Shit..." He mumbled. "I gotta go Kuroo" he hung up quickly. Whats going on? I picked up my dorm keys and left to Kenma's dorm.

I knocked. "Coming!" I heard Akaashi say. I heard some shuffling.

"Akaashi? Where's Kenma?"

"He was here a second ago..." He murmured. Water starting running in the bathroom.

"Kenma get out now!" Akaashi said knocking on the door.

"I'm showering."

"Kuroo's here! Will you please talk to him?"

"I'll talk to him when I'm done."

"Akaashi what happened."

"I don't know. He woke up crying and he won't talk.

"Kenma please call me okay?" I heard a mhm and I left.

My phone rang after 20 minutes.

"Hello? Kenma?" I said quickly.


"Are you okay what happened?"

"Nothing happened Kuroo I'm perfectly fine"

"Bullshit! Akaashi said you were crying!"

"It was just a stupid dream."


I told him the reason I was crying was the dream.

Not the drunk statement I couldn't get out of my head.


"Kenma I would never leave you. Okay?"

"yeah... I know." I hung the phone up and went to their dorm to give Kenma a hug. It may seem like a stretch, To go all the way for a hug. But I loved Kenma.

I love him. 

Weird to think about huh. 

I'm in love with my best friend who most defiantly doesn't feel the same way. 

I knocked on the door. Kenma answered, red eyed and obviously still tired even though he had just showered.  His hair was wet, in a small pony-tail (OKAY BUT KENMA IN A PONY TAIL IS SO HOT-) "Ku-" Before he could say anything I wrapped him in a hug, his face buried in my chest. His hands found their way around my waist. 

"Kinda can't breathe" I heard Kenma say muffled from my shirt. I let go quickly, blushing. 

"Sorry" (the temptation I had to write Gomen dasai why) 

"I- Why are you here?"

"I came to check on you."

"Kuroo I'm fine. I don't need you all the time y'know"

"I know... I just like taking care of someone." I heard a mumbled, whatever. "Say Kenma wanna do something today?"

"Like what?" 

Cliffhanger? Nah. Imma try and post double stay tuneddd

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Wish you were sober - Kurokenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن