Before reading | Andrea o(•ω<)o

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Hii people! Uhh, this is the first book I've written since I installed Wattpad and I wrote it when I didn't know English grammar very well, so don't expect perfection from my writing.

To be honest, I wasn't sure if I should publish it at all because I would be ashamed to have someone read my mistakes, but I still decided to do it and now, you will read my work.

The first time it was published, I did not expect even 100 views, but it will soon have 500 and I cannot believe that it exceeded my expectations. Really, thank you all! I also didn't expect anyone to read my book because of a lot of mistakes, a hundred grammatical and a hundred spelling mistakes. Looks like I wasn't right after all. A lot of people have preserved this book in their preserved parts, and I am really overjoyed!

This book and the whole concept and topic are three of my first things to think about when I got the Wattpad. Funny but I really enjoyed writing this book! I hope you will enjoy reading it too and don't judge me if there are still some mistakes because I have already unpublished this book once to correct the mistakes.

Thank you if you decided to read it! It means a lot to me!! 😼💗💞

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