The hospital.

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*sorry there isn't any horror yet, but there will be soon, hope you enjoy this.*

Jeff's P.O.V

"Hello." she said and looked at me. I looked up at her. HOLY SHIT SHES BEAUTIFUL!! " uhh hi" I said. Oh gosh did that sound mean? She gave me a weird look. Oh God I hope I get to know her better. "My name is astro." she said... Omg she has a great name to. I look at her and smile. "I'm jeff. Nice to meet you astro!" she smiled and sat down. She's so perfect. I just hope vikk doesn't think the same about her.

Later on after lunch I decided to go to my room, mainly because it visiting hours and no one ever came for me. After about 5 mins I see astro walk by and I'm curious where she is going, so I follow her. I'm being Very careful so that she doesn't notice me. Soon enough I realized she was going to the visiting area. At least she has family, or friends that visit her. Once she gets to the doors, I stop and wait until I she goes through the doors so I can see who she is with. The people visiting must be friends. One is a guy who looks to be about 18 and a girl who looks about 17. I guess I should leave now that the guy has seen me looking through the window.

Astro's P.O.V.

I walked down the hall going to the visiting room, because aspen and Blake are coming to see me. Once I get to the room, I sit at a table with aspen and Blake when Blake asked me who is that guy looking through the window, I look around at all the Windows and don't see anyone. "What guy?" I ask. Blake looks at me, "I don't know, some dude, he had black hair and he was looking straight at us." well that was helpful,many guys in this facility have black hair...." hmm okay, whatever... Anyway guys how's home?" I ask, knowing  I'm it gonna see them for a while after this. "Well-" Blake starts talking aspen pipes up "this boy asked me out!" she pointed to Blake. "WHAT?!! HOLY CRAP GUISE CONGRATS!"  well I knew it was bound to happen at some point.

After an hour of talking to aspen and Blake visiting hours were over and they had to go. I said good bye to them I walked back to my room and on the way I saw Jeff laying upside down off his bed so I decided go say hi. I mean he's kinda hot so why not. "Hey." I said as I knocked on the door. He jumped slightly from me startling him. "Gahh hi" he said rolling of his bed to stand up. I giggled and Went and sat  on the chair in his room. "So what's up?" I asked. He smiled and laid on his bed. "Well I was just thinking about what I was gonna do when I get out of here." he looked at me. Well what I'm gonna do when I get out I thought to myself

*I hope you liked this. Thank you my creeps!*

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