Hermione's Secret Friend

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Almost as soon as Hermione opened the door, and in came Blaise, "Hey Herm, we need to talk, it's about family. It's big..."

She replied in a calm voice, "Ok, whatever you have going on you can tell me."

Hermione could tell he was worried. She led him to the living room, where she sat down on a couch and motioned for him to sit as well. He looked nervous, and his palms were sweating.

She softly asked him, "Hey, I can tell you have something big going on, but you can take your time telling me."

He nodded at her, "Thanks. And if you need the others to hear they can. It's gonna be a lot to take in"

At that moment, Harry, Ron, George, and Ginny came into the living room. As soon as they saw Blaise, wands were out and George asked, "Why the bloody hell is there a Slytherin in our living room?"
Hemione said, "Please lower your wands, Blaise is-"

She was cut off by Ron "Wait. You're calling a Slytherin from Malfoy's gang by his first name? A death eater no less..."

Hermione put a silencing charm on all them, "First off, don't talk to people like that Ron. The war is over. Let me explain before you jump to conclusions, Blaise is my friend and has been for the past seven years. There was a lot going on at the time and we decided not to tell anyone. He was the only Slytherin who has nice to me and he has helped me through some things you guys wouldn't understand. Please he has something he wants to talk about, and he has invited you all to hear. Just so you know Ron I am not letting you talk until after, and I'm not sure if then I'll let you talk because of what you keep saying."

She added this remark because Ron kept pointing at his throat.

Hermione knew this would be a long night. She had no clue how hard it would be for her.


Hey, I know this is short, but I will try to do better in the future thanks for reading,


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