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Should I make it darker? Idk, I'm listening to some cool dark music and like it's almost October which means Halloween and like ITS ABOUT VAMPIRES FOR GODS SAKE! Wait. WIAT. Should I make *** (mHM who would that be?) without humanity?? >:)))) also this chap is crappy- choppy- fast I guess. It sucks sorry In advance.


Stiles huffs. They kicked him out. Just because they found out he isn't a human! They don't even know he's a vampire! Ridiculous if you ask him. But they have a problem at their hands now. A bloody one, at that. A Ripper or a vampire without humanity. (A/n HEHE PREPARE FOR HOTNESS!!!! Well I find Ripper/ without humanity vampires hot, my mind's jacked I know)


"Just because I'm not human? Now that you know, I could help. Not that I didn't already, I just made sure you didn't know."

"You've betrayed us by not telling," Scott voiced.

Allison and Liam are the only ones in the pack to disagree.

"You're out, Stiles. Out. Now get away from us," Derek growls.

Stiles grits his teeth before saying a 'fine'. Allison and Liam said that they'd leave too.

He turned around, but unfortunately - for the pack - he heard with his vampire hearing something. "We never cared for you anyways. You're useless."

That made his blood boil. Yet it froze at the same time. He was mad but also sad. He loved his pack.

"Fine then. I won't care anymore too."

And with that he left.

*end flashback*

"You didn't switch your emotions off, did you?" Liam asked in a very concerned tone. Stiles shakes his head as he puts his lunch tray on the table. Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy (as he learned their names) gave him confused looks.

"Why would you turn your emotions off?"

"Pack kicked him out," Allison replies.

"Pack? Werewolves? Weren't they nearly extinct?" Jeremy asks.

"Not our kind," Stiles informs the boy.


"By the way, do not. And I mean, do not tell Nik that they kicked me out. He'll kill them." They all nodded.


Klaus already knew, that's why he called someone. He knew Elena was worthless to him now that she was a vampire (a/n I forgot if I specified that or not) but Stiles seemed to like her— so he kept her alive. The same goes for Bonnie, Jeremy and Caroline.

He knew that Stiles would be super mad at him if he killed any of the pack, so he didn't. It honestly shocked the Scooby-Doo gang. If only Stefan or Damon were here. Klaus smirked a bit to himself, knowing that they'll come soon enough.

It seems that the pack still haven't caught the vampire. It isn't Klaus if that's what you're thinking. No, this vampire is ruthless. So is Klaus, but hey, Stiles seems to like these people so why would he kill them? It'll only make Stiles mad at him. And, boy, when the brunet was mad, you should run for your life.

But the vampire problem became worse and worse, people started to notice. And not long after people found out about the supernatural. People were scared, terrified even. They tried to chase the supernaturals away, but when they saw that the pack was there to help, they gave in. Not without hurting/wounding Derek and Scott first. They lived (sadly), but didn't really do something against the vampire issue. And there comes the Scooby-Doo gang 2.0 in place— no-one has figured out they're supernaturals, and they were going to deal with the problem. Because apparently Scott McCall's ego was so big that he didn't do anything about people getting murdered, slaughtered in his territory.

So they (SDG2.0) had decided that it was best to check it out, and not split up. Maybe it'll take longer, but horror movies should be taken seriously with this. They have a better chance to find the vampire by night, so here they are— in the woods at eleven pm. Stupid? Maybe. Dangerous? Probably.

How the vampire sneaked up behind them, no idea, but it had Stiles in its grip all of the sudden.

"Hello, Mieczysław." A shiver ran up Stiles' spine— he knew that voice. That tone.

"Stefan?" Bonnie questioned.

"Stefan, let me go. You- you're not yourself..." Stiles chokes out. Allison and Liam share a look, Stiles has never been this.. this.. afraid.

"Neither are you," Stefan huskily whispered against the shell of his ear. He shivered again. Stefan moved in front of him now, he looked into the whiskey eyes.

"Please," Stiles whimpered as he tried to escape the grip. "Please, Stef, not— not compulsion."

Stefan had other plans apparently, he knew Stiles wouldn't do it willingly. So he looked deep into Stiles' eyes and started compelling— "either you turn it off, or you'll kill one of them."

Everyone's breath hitches. "Why is he able to compel Stiles?" Jeremy asked.

"We— we don't know," Allison answers.

Stiles tried to fight it— he really did, but it was too strong. He knew he had to choose.

And so he turned it off.

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