Chapter Four: The blondie called blonde

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 So this incident was with my best friend Brooke. It took place at the coffee shop I went to the day I died. Everyone was there, Brooke, Andrew, Emily, Mason, and Charlotte. We were all hanging out, because it was a Saturday, and none of us had anything better to do.  We sat in the corner booth, we always sat at when we all went there. Some how, Mason ended up showing us a video on YouTube called   ''The real meaning of MPH". So basically, the video was this blonde girl trying to figure out a question her fiancee asked her about MPH. This started up a conversation. It first started with Brooke saying she didn't get it. Then we all looked at each other.   First Emily said "You really don't get it" in kind of a sarcastic voice, Andrew friendly punched her, as if to say stop it. Then I kind of... added onto, what Emily said, I didn't mean it in a mean or bad way, it was just so... I don't know... the stereotypical blonde. I sarcastically said "Can you say Blondie." After all she was one.  Right when I said that, she left, so I guess she thought of me as a bully for a little while. After what I said every time I saw her, she would give me this disgusted, I'm not going to talk to you face. And that was okay for awhile, because I had my evil face too. Thankfully, though I wasn't the only one going through this. Emily also had to go through it, especially since she was the one who criticized her first, which was nice because I was not the only one given the silent treatment.

Anyways after a few days of the silent treatment I decided I would have a talk with her. Honestly, it was probably not the best day to go to her house and apologize, because it was a gloomy day, and like I mentioned before gloomy days are basically the death of me. But anyways, I wanted to get on her good side again, so I told her I am very sorry for what I had done, and hoped she would forgive me. She accepted my apology and I was on my way back home. Honestly, it would have been nice if she said "thank you  for the apology, and I am sorry too for being so sensitive" but nope, she didn't,  and that was okay, because honestly no matter how hard I try I can't do the silent treatment. Honestly, looking back at this event, unless you a psychopath, there would be no reason to kill someone. In fact for all my incidents there is no reason to kill someone, but hey its the 21st century, where if you hate or dislike somebody you just shoot them.

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