Chapter 6 - Revealed

Start from the beginning

By the time you got to the cafe, it was 11 in the morning. You and Ash grabbed a drink from the cafe and went downstairs and left the building. "I think we have time to check out one more building before lunch," Ash said as you went into the next building, dragging him behind you. "Slow down Y/N!" You ignored him and ran off. "Ash I think this is the building for performing arts!" You grabbed his hand and pulled him behind you. "Let's check out the classrooms!" you said and you let go of his hand and got into the lift. When the doors opened, you ran out leaving Ash behind as you peeked into the mini windows on the classroom door. "Phew there's no teacher inside," you thought as you went back to Ash who was staring at the whole place.

The two of you finished exploring the second building and went off to lunch. "Hey the cafeteria is nearby, let's go I'm starving," Ash said as he pulled you to the cafeteria. You escaped his grip when you saw a sign that said 'There are only a few restaurants open because it is not a school day'. "ASH!!! WAIT!!!!" you called as he stopped all of a sudden and came over to you.

"Look at the sign," you said as he stared at the sign. "Let's go check it out anyway," Ash said as you two walked inside. You saw a few restaurants with Italian food and Japanese food. You guys checked out each of the restaurant's menu but you didn't find the food you guys want.

"What should we do? There's nothing good to eat here," Ash said as you called someone. "Y/N? What are you doing?" Ash asked you, confused at what's happening. "I found a good place to get food, wanna come?" you said with a huge grin on your face. "Sure, let's go!" Ash said as he followed you.

You went out the building and exited the school grounds. "You sure you know the way?" Ash asked you. "Of course!"

You and Ash walked away from the school site and went to a shopping center near the school. "Wow this place is huge, why didn't I come here a few days ago!" you quietly whined as Ash watched you with confused countenance. "Alright let's go get some lunch, I'm starving," Ash said.

Ash ran to the food section dragging you behind and he found a restaurant he liked. "Hey Y/N, wanna try out this restaurant?" You looked at him, not wanting to go there. "I don't know, I'm not used to eating at these restaurants because I'm used to posh restaurants."

"I think you'll like this," Ash said. "Hmm, okay, let's order a takeaway then," you replied, grabbing a menu. At the end, you chose the same meal as Ash did and both of you went back to your dorms.

"Wow, it's 3 in the afternoon, I never noticed the time," you commented and took a bite of your food, "This tastes great!" Ash looked at you and smiled,"I know right." You ate your food in silence. You looked at Ash after taking a few more bites, "WHATT??? How did you finish it so quickly?"

Ash stared at you with a grin plastered on his face, "Cuz I eat quickly." You sighed and finished your food and got changed into your normal, casual clothes. When you came out from the bathroom, you noticed that Ash was looking at you with an extremely shocked expression. "Y/N is that what you wear when you don't have to dress in a certain dress code?"

You nodded and smiled, then sat on your bed. "Hey, I don't think I've added you to my contacts," you said, deciding to change the subject. "Oh yeah, wow I haven't noticed," Ash replied as you swapped phones with each other to add in your phone numbers.

"OH MY GOD Y/N!!!" Ash said with his eyes widened in shock. "What?" you stared at him, confused. "You have the newest model of this brand!!!" Ash shouted, his eyes still widened. You blinked a few times and gave him a sudden grin. "Yeah, I bought this a few days ago."

"That's so cool! I've always wanted one of those," Ash said as you filled in the information onto his device. "Here," you said as you handed his phone back to him. "Thanks!" he said as he returned your phone. Ash looked you and smiled which you thought was a little awkward, "Ash what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just happy because I have the contact of the one and only Princess of the Kalos region," Ash replied as you giggled. "Oh by the way, do you have your timetable with you?" you asked Ash, as he nodded. You took the timetable out of your bag as he did the same to his bag. You jumped onto his bed and sat down at the end of the bed. The two of you laid out the timetables onto the bed and stared at it. "Oh my god...we have all the classes together," you and Ash said simultaneously.

You thought for a while and suddenly you blurted, "I think we have the same timetables because this school is the best school in Kalos and there is no way we don't have homework and so the system they designed put us in the same class because we're roommates and we can help each other out." Ash absorbed and analyzed your short monologue, "I think you're right. You're a genius!"

You giggled nervously and jumped back onto your bed. You kept quiet and listened to music while texting with your brother. Ash just sat on his bed doing nothing.

You guys stayed in absolute silence until you went to the piano and started playing something. Ash bolted over and stood next to you when you started. "W-what?" you asked, a little shocked at what he did. He stood there in silence so you continued.

After three hours of practice non stop, your fingers got a little tired. "Ash, I'm going to shower." Ash nodded and you went into the bathroom to do your business. After half an hour, you came back out and you were in your pajamas and sat on your bed and ordered dinner. "Here order your food," you said as you handed Ash your phone.

You got up and put on your slippers and kicked your football and played with it. "Done," Ash said and you kicked the ball at him. He blocked it with both his arms resembling an 'X'. "Heyyyy, no fair!" he whined and threw the ball at you as you reflected it back.

The food came shortly and the two of you finished it quickly. You decided to do some Math revision before going to sleep and Ash did the same. "Hey, we have math tomorrow, do you know what we are learning?" you asked him. "I'm pretty sure we're going to be learning algebra, I'm not good at math so don't ask me further questions," he replied with a laugh. "I already know algebra, do you know?" you questioned. "Nah, isn't that what we learn next year?" Ash asked. "What??? Of course not!" you said with a facepalm.

You quickly got to work and Ash did the same. "Hey you wanna have a race to see who can do the whole chapter the quickest?" you challenged Ash. "Ummm...umm...I...uh" he stammered. "You scared to be beaten by me?" you teased as Ash sweatdropped. "Okay I'll do it then."

You decided you would do the algebra chapter's part 1 and Ash agreed so you started the stopwatch. You ended up finishing it in 10 minutes. "Done," you said proudly and checked the time. "I've only finished a quarter," Ash moaned and leaned back against his chair. You looked at his paper and blinked, "Ash you've done them wrong." He looked at you and shouted, "WHAT????" "Yeah, you've got them wrong, do you actually understand this stuff?" you asked suspiciously as he shook his head. "We've got work to do then, let's go to sleep, we have school tomorrow."

"Hey, we haven't finished exploring the school, you wanna continue exploring tomorrow?" Ash asked you as you nodded. You jumped into bed and texted your mother one last time before going to bed. "Goodnight Y/N," Ash said.

❤️☀️𝙼𝚢 𝙵𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚎 (𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚇𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)🌙💙Where stories live. Discover now